Lady Lavinia Character in The World of Autara | World Anvil
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Lady Lavinia

Lady Lavinia is Queen Vivian's aunt and thus the great-aunt of princesses Brianna, Jessica, and Estella.   After Vivian was chosen by the throne by the Starlit necklace, Lavinia left Autara.   Lavinia is a self-absorbed and conniving woman, convinced that the crown should be hers despite her bad attitude and poor political skills.


Lavinia is an older woman with pale waxlike skin and a tall gaunt build. She is obsessed with physical appearance, often dressing very formally, in rich fabrics and clothing. She has greying brown hair that she styles back into severe buns.

Personal History

Lavinia is the sister of the late Queen Matilda and was thus older than her sister, Vivian, who was later chosen by the starlit necklace to become the next queen something that infuriated Lavinia.   Shortly after Vivian was coronated Lavinia, furious that she hadn’t been chosen, left the kingdom.
Queen Matilda

Family Tree


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