Bressa Organization in The World of Autara | World Anvil
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Bressa is a kingdom located to the southeast of Autara, with a warm mild climate and a strong trade and shipping network. The kingdom is home to many trade ports and cities, with the kingdom being very rich from said trade.   Bressa has a warm Mediterranean climate, with hot dry summers and cool rainy winters.   The kingdom is ruled by a monarch, currently a king, with the heir being the eldest child regardless of gender. The Bressa has a good relationship with Autara, and the monarchs of both kingdoms have worked to strengthen the kingdoms’ relations through diplomatic missions and intermarriage.   Those that live and come from the kingdom are called Bressians. Many Bressians live in small towns and villages, but there are also many larger urban towns and cities many located along the coast with ports.

Regions and Locations

Coastal Bressa

Coastal Bressia is the area of Bressia located along or near the coast and is where most of the kingdom's large urban settlements are. There are many ports and beaches along the coast and much of the regional economy is made up of fishermen living in smaller fishing towns and villages, with merchants and craftsmen located in the larger towns and cities.

Inland Bressa

Inland Bressia is the inland area of Bressia made up of farmland and bushland, the former of which is dotted with small rural villages and towns. Most of the economy is centered around agriculture and livestock, with most of the population being farmers in some way with only a small proportion of the population being skilled craftsmen. Peddle merchants may travel through the area selling wares, and the people of the area may also travel to larger towns that have merchants living there.
King of Bressa


Bressa has a warm Mediterranean climate, with hot dry summers and cool rainy winters.


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