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“The legacy of Pola the Great is alive and well, for better or worse.” –Slaus Bolic, Polsawic Merchant


Kingdom of Polsawa


The Polsawic Royal Family are one of only three surviving royal families in the region, and the only one that has maintained absolute power over its own state, with the Transpovanic Royal Family relegated to the role of symbolic figureheads and the Wosternak Royal Family being forced to share the majority of governing duties with its own legislative body and the Milic National Parliament.


The Polsawic are both proud and fiercely defensive of the royal family. Despite this, many Polsawic people enjoyed the peace and stability brought by a united single state in Oyapilic. For a short time after the death of Otto Plizny III, there was a small movement among the Polsawic to replace the now defunct Plizny family with the Polsawic Royal Family, who vowed to take charge in maintaining peace among the Pilic peoples.


• 444–450 – Border clashes between southern Rowic and northern Polsawic nationalist militias escalate into a full scale war ending with a mutually agreed upon ceasefire.   • 750–795 – Economic depression affects the entire region, raising ethnic tensions to an all-time high as different ethnic groups are blamed for the hardship. To the present day, these tensions have not dissipated. The event is known as the Depression of 750.   • 857 – Polsawic forces are accused of raiding farms and trade routes in southern Transpovania, but deny the accusations. The raids subside shortly thereafter.   • 903 – Polsawa violently suppresses a coup attempt from Rowic nationalists.   • 970 – Historical enemies Transpovania and Polsawa sign a Mutual Aid Pact in the possible event of Sergradic aggression.   • 972 – Polsawic nationalists disguised as Harajasic militants fail a false flag attack in the Sergradic parliamentary capitol in Jarasevic. They are interrogated before being publicly executed.   • 1003 – A state of emergency is declared in Transpovania as nationalist gang activity from Sergradic, Wosternic, and Polsawic movements reach a boiling point.   • 1019-1021 – A deadly plague erupts across the land, killing hundreds of thousands.   • 1024 – Reports of state-sponsored ethnic cleansings emerge from the lands of former Milic, Harajasic, and Rowic, targeting multiple ethnic groups. The Sergradic government denies involvement. Transpovania and Polsawa demand rights to investigate, but are denied.   • 1037 – Polsawa invades Transpovania from the south, betraying the Mutual Aid Pact.   • 1048 – Second Treaty of Jarosevic
  • o All Transpovanic lands are seceded to Sergrade.
  • o Sergrade gains claims on all Transpovanic lands held by Polsawic forces.
  • o Transpovania is allowed some limited autonomy under a people’s council.
• 1049 – Sergradic and Polsawic forces meet in central Transpovania. The Polsawic forces retreat, but do not leave Transpovania.   • 1050 – Sergradic forces ambush the Polsawic military amid collapsing peace talks between the two nations regarding lands in Transpovania occupied by Polsawa.   • 1051 – Polsawa surrenders to Sergrade and is annexed, granting Sergrade dominion over all Pilic lands.   • 1254 – Polsawa declares independence from Oyapilic. The OPA is able to retreat.   • 1262 – Polsawa declares war on Transpovania.   • 1265 – Reports of ethnic cleansing of Sergradic and Transpovanic peoples emerges from Polsawa.   • 1267 – Rowic and Transpovania begin negotiations over disputed borders. Insurgents from Polsawic nationalist gangs disrupt the talks and murder the Rowic officials. • 1268 – Rowic declares war on Polsawa and Transpovania, forcing the nations into a three-sided war.


Climate: Mediterranean


In addition to the Pilic Pantheon, many Polsawic people worship Pola the Great, the first Queen of Polsawa who is now venerated by some as a god herself.

Foreign Relations

Polsawic foreign policy is difficult to analyze. At times, they appear to be opportunists, hiring privateers to sabotage Rowic trade routes or taking advantage of the Sergradic invasion of Transpovania, but this seems an optimistic view as the Polsawic have rarely been able to effectively capitalize on these opportunities.

Agriculture & Industry

The Polsawic economy, like other Pilic economies, is reliant primarily on farming.

Trade & Transport

With the recent growth of Rowic sea trade, the Polsawic Crown has allowed contracts for privateers to raid Rowic trade routes.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Neighboring Nations

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