Troll Country Organization in The World | World Anvil

Troll Country

Contradictary to its name, Troll Country is actually not inhabited by trolls but it is named after the trolls that saved it from the upmarch of Emperor Morbo.


Due to its cold and harsh environment, it has not seen many wars for most deemed it not worth to fight over. Due to this, they did not have a strong army and would not have been able to stop Emperor Morbo when he came to take the lands. However, before the Empires army got there, the Trolls came. The trolls had seen the threat that was the empire and decided to stop it before it would take over the rest of The Old World. They protected the country during the Battle for Troll Country and as a sign of respect and a dept they could not repay the Trolls that lost their lives to protect a country not their own, they renamed the country to Troll Country.
Founding Date
0028-05-07 (renamed: 3023-01-06)
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Human / Dwarves
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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