The Collective Organization in The World | World Anvil

The Collective

In the 3rd Age when magic was still unlimited in supply and no magic was forbidden, all countries came together to create a group called The Collective after a few individuals had tried to take over the world. The collective was ment as a final law as we today we have the Geneva Convention, so did they have The Collective. The Collective was not allowed to meddle with any business of the individual countries but every time there is a thread to the world, The Collective would gather and defeat it.


Every Country is allowed to send in one champion to join The Collective. All Champions send forth by the country are automatically accepted in The Collective, but the leader is chosen by the members of The Collective.


The Collective was never officially dissolved, but as the 3rd Era was an era of peace, there was just no need for The Collective and countries stopped appointing Champions. On 7003-04-10 the last champion died and with him The Collective.

4203-08-10 - 7003-04-10

Civil Services


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