Elf Species in The World | World Anvil
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Long before humans discovered the continent, inland Merterra was largely populated by elves. These highly magical and intelligent beings watched as human civilizations rose and fell, fascinated by their different way of life. For, living so long, elves have a more intimate connexion with nature and the land and are not as obsessed with living life so quickly. Elves work at a slow pace but everything they create is intricate and beautiful, be it art, law, or culture.

Basic Information


Elves are a humanoid species and differ from human anatomy only in coloration, average size, and their long, pointed ears.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves reach maturity after approximately 100 years.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Elves rank among the most intelligent sentient creatures. They are on average more intelligent than humans, and significantly more adept at magic.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are far more in tune with the magical fabric of the material plane and thus are more adept at spellcasting than their fellow humanoids.
Genetic Descendants
500 years
Average Height
5'6" - 6'6"
Average Weight
90 - 150 lbs
Average Physique
Most elves are of slender build with long limbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elves come in every shade of tan/brown, similar to humans, though they also occasionally come in various shades of blue or green. Hair color is again similar to humans, but often will also be white, silver, or any of various pastel colors.

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