The Jinn Species in The Wheel of Worlds | World Anvil
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The Jinn

Natives of the planet Ahn-Jinn, this humanoid species is far older than the human race yet similar in many aspects. Population has dwindled significantly over the eons, but the species survives on their home world as well as numerous other planets in the Auk'kheem portal network.

There are three races of Jinn, each physically suited to the environment in which their culture developed. The Abi are a northern people with generally fair complexions and light colored hair, suited to the temperate woodland and mountainous region of their continent. The Tow inhabit the largest land mass across the equator and southern reaches of the planet. Due to the intensity of the sunlight they experience, their complexions and hair are generally dark. The Kai are chiefly an island people, inhabiting the archipelagos of the Waina Ocean which populate tropical and northern Polar Regions. Their primary physical features include epicanthal folds in their eyelids and an extra layer of subcutaneous fat. Hair colors range from black (in tropical regions) to white (in Polar Regions).

Though Jinn history has been dotted with conflicts between these racial groups, there has been a general peace in place for ten thousand years. As they are all working together for the continuation of their species, each group is invested in keeping the peace rather than the needless expenditure of lives in battle.

Rather than national identities, the Jinn are divided among Houses or Clans that follow maternal family lineages, and cultural traditions specific to their Houses.

The Jinn are dwindling in population, currently at forty million on Ahn-Jinn and twelve million on six colony planets connected by the Wheel of Worlds.

Basic Information


The Jinn are hominid structured with two legs, two arms, ten fingers/toes and a head in similar arrangement to a human's. One of the most striking differences is the fact that they have blue skin in various shades ranging from pale to indigo, sometimes with a silvery sheen. Hair colors range from black to white, including intermixed gray ("salt and pepper").

What makes this species most uniquely different in appearance from humans is their irises, for they are never a single color. The irises contain chromatophores which change the color of the eyes depending on the person's emotional state. This unique feature makes it impossible for a Jinn to lie. While they do understand the concept, a Jinn's eyes will always reveal what s/he is feeling.

Jinn internal physiology also bears striking differences to a human's. They have two smaller hearts, rather than one with two chambers. One facilitates pumping oxygen rich blood from the lungs; the other pushes oxygen depleted blood to the lungs.

Genetics and Reproduction

While females are slower to mature than males, they also have a significantly longer lifespan. Females mature at approximately forty years and are capable of breeding until approximately 160 years of age. Gestation is approximately nine months for males and twelve months for females. A healthy Jinn woman can expect to give birth to as many as a hundred children over the lifespan of her fertility. Multiple births are exceedingly rare.

Growth Rate & Stages

Males grow and mature at a much faster rate than females. A male Jinn will be sexually mature at approximately fifteen years, while a female may take as long as forty years to mature.

Ecology and Habitats

As with humans on Earth, the Jinn have adapted to virtually all climates of their world. In icy northern extremes, they survive by hunting and fishing. In temperate and tropical climates, they farm and raise animals for food. In harsh desert regions, societal groups are small and nomadic, living off the land with their traveling herds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Jinn are omnivores, living primarily on fruit and vegetable diets in temperate climates, and animal proteins in more extreme regions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Similar to human society, the Jinn need the companionship of others of their kind and congregate in villages, towns and great cities.

The family unit is central to Jinn culture. Traditional families are centered around a single maternal figure, all her husbands and children. These units are connected through other related females into greater Houses, which typically form governmental bodies with the senior females holding the greatest power and responsibility.

A less frequent yet revered type of family is a single pair of husbands who mate for life, called shai-ku-shai. When a couple enters into such a relationship, it is understood that no other mates will be taken after the death of either partner. Marked by a specific type of intricate tattoo from elbow to fingertips, shai-ku-shai are celebrated among the Jinn and often asked for blessings by family and strangers alike. Though they are not formally priests, they are seen as both romantic and tragic figures for the strength of their lifelong commitment to each other.

Facial characteristics

The most notable characteristic of Jinn facial features is their eyes. The irises are larger than those of humans, and the irises also contain chromatophores, cells that can change color in response to chemical signals sent by the brain

Geographic Origin and Distribution

At the peak of their civilization, the Jinn once covered the planet in the billions. Chiefly settling along coasts and rivers, their major cities developed around trade hubs. The Kai-Jinn chiefly maintained smaller villages and towns centered around hunting and fishing, spread out over the largest geographic area of the planet and boasting the largest segment of the population. The Tow-Jinn were the second largest demographic, and during the modern era shifted from agriculture-based economy to mining and manufacturing. Abi-Jinn specialized in trades, skills and technology, and though they occupied the largest land mass, had the smallest population.

Following the decimation of the Plague, entire regions became deserted. In order to take advantage of available mates, the northern continent now supports more than half the entire population of Jinn, including all living females. The remaining male Jinn are thinly spread out among the islands and the southern continent, where they live voluntarily, following cultural traditions and supporting the rest of their kind with food and supplies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Generally, a Jinn’s sense of smell is more acute than a human’s. The vomeronasal organ in the nasal passages -- which is responsible for detection of odors that emanate from prey, predators and potential mates – is well-developed and highly functional. Jinn are excellent trackers and hunters due to this feature.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Abi-Jinn = Generally named after historical or religious figures, previous family members, or names with specific cultural meanings.

Tow-Jinn = Names are structured in musical fashion, with syllables pleasant in the mouth.

Kai-Jinn = All children are called by their House name until their seventh birthday, at which time they choose a name based upon a spiritual experience. These are usually related to natural phenomena, flora or fauna.

Major Organizations

The Ten Thousand Houses is a worldwide organization composed of senior members of each prominent family. This is the major governmental body for the entire Jinn population on all worlds.

Beauty Ideals

Symmetrical facial features are as important among the Jinn as with humans. Ideals of beauty are all centered around a pleasing balance of features in both face and build; however, there are cultural differences among the Jinn regarding what those ideals should reflect.

Abi-Jinn = Male: lean and well muscled, arched eyebrows, thin lips, straight nose. Female: slender build with prominent breasts, high forehead, slanted eyebrows, full lips, delicate nose.

Tow-Jinn = Male: tall and heavily muscled, dark complexion, black hair, thick brows, full lips, aquiline nose. Female: tall and sturdily built, large breasts, wide hips, long neck, long earlobes, aquiline nose.

Kai-Jinn = Male: agile build, long hair, straight brows, well-shaped mouth, hooked nose, long earlobes. Female: Delicate build, straight hair, pale complexion, large eyes with straight brows, strong jaw, full lips, delicate nose, oval face.

Gender Ideals

Male: Broad shoulders, well muscled, well-kept hair

Female: Fertile and strong

Relationship Ideals

While the Jinn are family-centric throughout their various cultures, there are limited choices for relationships due to the dire nature of their population decline. Centered as it is around the capabilities of females to breed future generations, all such women are required by law to bear children unless doing so would put the woman’s life at risk. When a woman reaches sexual maturity, she is genetically profiled and matched with specific males who would produce strong, healthy children. From this pool, she may select candidates from marriage and spend up to five years making her choices. As she ages and her husbands die off, she must repeat the process to choose replacements.

Ideal relationships are considered when these arranged marriages result in harmonious families.

As there are not always females available for mating, male Jinn often turn to each other for relationships of various kinds, from friendships to casual gratification. When two males choose to devote their lives exclusively to each other, they are united as shai-ku-shai. This is a highly honored relationship, as it is seen as the bonding of soul mates in a way not shared in traditional male/female marriages.

Lesbian relationships are discouraged but not forbidden, as long as the females participate in marriages per legal requirements.

Queer and Transgender male Jinn must enter the priesthood, as their orientation is seen as a spiritual sign of service to others. There is a reverence attached to these people that marks them as culturally significant. Unfortunately, if the person is female, she is required to fulfill the traditional role as mother and wife. This is also true for Intersex persons, if their biology is capable of maintaining a pregnancy. Those pressed into breeding service are provided with psychological counseling throughout their lifetimes in order to help them function in their designated roles.

Average Technological Level

Due to their past partnership with the Auk’kheem, the Jinn are caretakers of the Builders’ highly advanced technology. Not only are they capable of building new portals, the Jinn are also actively exploring unmapped space with Builder ships. With this borrowed tech, the Jinn suffer from few diseases, have wiped out hunger on their home world and stabilized living conditions for every Jinn citizen.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

There are hundreds of language groupings among the Jinn, developed regionally over the millennia; however, eight hundred years earlier, a conference among the Ten Thousand Houses decided to develop a single language based entirely on gesture, similar to sign language for the deaf which is used among humans. The International Diplomatic Sign is common to all Jinn.

Abi-Jinn = On the Northern Continent, there are ten major language groups, compounded by localized dialects and colloquialisms.

Tow-Jinn = The Southern Continent has seventeen major language groups divided by geographical regions.

Kai-Jinn = There are thirty-two separate languages among the islanders of the Waina Ocean, but all appear to have a single linguistic root.

Common Dress Code

Abi-Jinn = Clothing is elaborate and stylish, varying by season and temperature. Tunics and gowns are often favored, though pants are worn for some more active outdoor activities.

Tow-Jinn = Little clothing is traditional. Short, wrap-around skirts are the primary style; females may cover their breasts with a brief wrap or go bare-chested. In cities where air conditioning is readily available, outfits for both males and females are styled like short, sleeveless tunics.

Kai-Jinn = Temperate Regions: Short, wrap-around skirts are the primary style; females also cover their breasts with a brief wrap. Polar Regions: fur and leather are traditional clothing materials, with most of the body completely covered to prevent frostbite.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Every evening at sunset, the entirety of Jinn culture pauses to sing and dance the Song of the Star Callers, inherited from the Auk'kheem culture. Also called the Timekeeper's Chant, this ritual is observed as a daily reminder of promises made, broken and kept, and of hope for the future. It is celebrated as a connection point between the Architect, the Nexus and the Jinn people.

When greeting a woman, a Jinn male bows his head in acknowledgment of the sacrifice she must make for her people.

Never give shoes, a knife or timepiece as a gift, as these have negative implications for the relationship.

Abi-Jinn = Single men registering for marriage matches are often blessed by strangers wishing them good luck by tossing a pinch of fragrant spice or glitter on them. At festivals, a place is set for the dead at the head of the table. On the winter solstice, celebrations are led by two figures – one in white and one in black – who fight to determine whether the winter will be long or short; if White (who represents the sun and light) wins, the winter will be short, and vice versa. When a family member has died, the survivors wear a veil for ten days whenever they are in public. Never discuss business over a meal, as this is considered rude.

Tow-Jinn = The Tow have a different variation on greeting females, in which the males prostrate themselves before her. When a child dies, the body is burned and the ashes divided among family members, where it is worn in a pouch around the neck. Traditional war dances are performed at weddings by male family members of both bride and groom in mock “battles.” At weddings, the bride and her grooms must wear a veil for a month to indicate their newlywed status in public. At the [ ] festival, wives are allowed to beat their husband with sticks while the husbands defend themselves with small shields amidst much cat-calling and teasing.

Kai-Jinn = When pointing, nod the head rather than use the hands. Never point at a person with the fingers! Never eat with the left hand, as that is used for washing one’s backside and is therefore considered unclean. When a family member dies, direct relations cut a mark into their forearms to mark the passing. If a person dies during an eclipse, the body is buried covered with fish due to an ancient belief that the eclipse was a mark of misfortune and that the offering of plentiful food would negate the ill luck. On New Year’s Day, parades are held featuring a large mythical creature sculpted of lightweight materials travels down the main thoroughfare of a village, town or city, while party-goers try to mount and ride the beast; the successful one then calls for the others to attack and destroy it, revealing the treasure of sweets, coins and other goodies contained within the body of the beast.

Common Taboos

Among all Jinn, tattoos are forbidden except for Shai-ku-shai and priests. Shai-ku-shai are tattooed from elbow to fingertips, whereas priests may be marked anywhere except that area.


The Jinn can trace their history back over two hundred thousand years, with the earliest known records of their species discovered on the Southern Continent. Initially primitive hunter-gatherers, they learned quickly to shape their environment through agriculture and building. Rather than competing for resources with other nomadic bands, they instead explored for new territories and proliferated along coasts and rivers, working together in the spirit of cooperation. Trade routes were built and cities began to spring up along them.

With the advent of metallurgy, technology developed quickly. The modern era for the Jinn began almost a hundred thousand years ago, seeing them into their Space Age. Two thousand years later, the Jinn made contact with the Auk’kheem and began to trade with them, eventually partnering with them to create the Consortium of Intelligent Species. Ten thousand years past, the Auk’kheem bequeathed their technology to the Jinn and were subsequently destroyed by the Naga. Shortly after the end of that war, the Plague struck the Jinn and decimated their population, hitting females particularly hard. Not only did the illness take the lives of more than half of the women, it also affected their growth and fertility rates. Jinn scientists were able to correct some of the damage, but female lifespans were forever changed by the mysterious disease.

As a result, Jinn culture also significantly changed. Laws were put into place requiring all biologically capable females to breed. Cultural traditions also altered, both to protect women and girls as valuable resources necessary for the survival of their species, as well as to show devotion and respect for their role in Jinn society.

Jinn Eye Color/Emotion Chart

  • Orange = curiosity, confusion

  • Yellow = anxiety
  • Bright green = remorse
  • Emerald green = optimism, trust
  • Evergreen = happiness
  • Pale blue = sadness, grief
  • Bright blue = only exhibited in females; indicates pregnancy
  • Indigo = awe
  • Bright purple = pride
  • Deep violet = love
  • Deep rose = desire
  • Red = anger, rage
  • Pale pink = friendship, warmth

  • Bright pink = excitement, anticipation

  • Golden flashes = humor, joy
Male Jinn live an average of 70-80 years, while females often live to 200 years.
Average Height
Abi-Jinn = Average height for males is six feet / Average height for females is 5’ 6”

Tow-Jinn = Average height for males is 6’ 2” / Average height for females is 5’ 8”

Kai-Jinn = Average height for males is 5’ 8” / Average height for females is 5’ 2”
Average Weight
Abi-Jinn = Average weight for males is 175 pounds / Average weight for females is 120 pounds

Tow-Jinn = Average weight for males is 190 pounds / Average weight for females is 160 pounds

Kai-Jinn = Average weight for males is 150 pounds / Average weight for females is 100 pounds
Average Physique
Abi-Jinn = medium build

Tow-Jinn = tall and heavily muscled

Kai-Jinn = short and slender
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin shades vary between pale blue and indigo with a silvery sheen. Abi-Jinn and northern Kai-Jinn have generally light complexions. Southern Kai-Jinn feature medium tones, whereas Tow-Jinn are often very dark, owing to the greater concentration of sunlight in the equatorial and subtropical regions where they originated.

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