Hunter Dax Character in The Wheel of Worlds | World Anvil
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Hunter Dax

A Major in the US Marine Corps, Hunter is the identical twin brother of Dr. Harper Dax. He has served on a Special Operations team and was assigned to the Pentagon at the end of the Second Age. He is left handed, outgoing and social, enjoys having beers with the boys and casual relationships with the hot chicks. Though he usually manages to keep it in check with military bearing, he has a quick temper and serious anger management issues. Trust doesn't come easily to him, but he trusts his brother absolutely.   He cartoons and doodles during meetings, but is always attentive (though he may not appear to be listening). Hunter is "handsey" with people he cares about because he craves touch: he often pats friends on the arm or shoulder, sits close to his buddies, walks with his arm around his brother's shoulder.   Hunter enjoys a wide range of sports including American football, basketball, hockey, baseball, European football and rugby.   Their birthday is December 15.

Education   Hunter is of above average intelligence, but prefers to be underestimated and therefore does not have his brother's academic record. He graduated high school at the age of eighteen and studied military science in college. He has talent in mathematics, logic and strategy, though he rarely lets this show.


Hunter Dax

Twin brother (Important)

Towards Harper Dax



Harper Dax

Twin brother (Important)

Towards Hunter Dax




They are identical twins, difficult to tell apart aside from haircuts (Harper wears his long, Hunter's is military short).

Nicknames & Petnames

Hunt and Harp, bro

Commonalities & Shared Interests


Harper Dax (Twin brother)

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