Ahea Species in The Wheel of Worlds | World Anvil
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Ahea are easily mistaken for trees; however, they are neither plants nor stationary. Originating in a primordial ocean on their home world, their first form had much in common with Earth octopi; however, changing environments pushed them landward, where they adapted into highly mobile hunter/gatherers. Millennia after the development of high technology, they began to grow sedentary and continued to develop into a form that did not require a great deal of relocation; hence, their current tree-like form with stumpy, muscular “legs” that resemble roots.

They are as comfortable in solitary locations as they are in groups, as they are connected to each other via implants that allow them to mind-share with others of their species.

Ahea are great thinkers, gravitating toward deep science and mathematics such as theoretical physics. They are also notable surgeons known for their dexterity and thorough knowledge of medicine covering multiple species. Ahea are reputed to be the finest physicians in the galaxy. Every intelligent species wishes to have one in residence on their world.

This species highly reveres life. Many live an entirely vegetarian existence due to this deeply rooted belief. They are calm by nature, rarely agitated, almost never violent. Ahea would sacrifice their own lives rather than cause harm to another intelligent species. As pacifists, they always remain neutral in any conflict.  They are the oldest known species of sentient life in the galaxy, highly revered by most other races.

Basic Information


More similar in physical structure to octopi and squids on Earth, Ahea have no bony skeleton within their bodies. Thick leg-like tentacles rest upon the ground and often dig into soft soil to secure a firm position. By stretching and contracting, Ahea are able to drag their heavy bodies to other locations – a slow, laborious process. More often, Ahea climb aboard transport platforms that can carry them along rather than taking the time to “walk”.

Ahea’s main body is a thick, upright mass resembling a tree trunk. The tough outer surface serves as natural armor and comes in a variety of colors and patterns.

Ahea have eight black eyes encircling their upper body that enable 360-degree sight. These eyes more closely resemble those of insects, covered with a hard shell and not requiring an eyelid for protection.  In a cluster around the base of the arms atop the trunk, additional simple eyes can be extended on stalks or pulled into the skin beneath a covering flap.  A thick mucous film covers the eyeball.  These extra eyes are useful for looking upward to locate and ensnare prey, as well as enabling a 360-degree working area around its crown.

Arrayed at the top of the main body are numerous projections that appear like a crown of branches, but function more like tentacles in their ability to grasp and manipulate objects. Like tree limbs, these are many, often numbering in the hundreds and dividing into smaller and smaller versions.  These appendages are highly flexible, capable of hundreds of small, delicate movements at once, or exerting tremendous pressure when grasping in a group.

Mouth parts are located at the base of the “branches” on the top of the body. Waste elimination is achieve through a tube buried in the soil beneath the base. This tube can be extended deeply within the ground and re-positioned as necessary.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ahea reproduction is asexual, occurring spontaneously. Infant Ahea shelter beneath the base of the parent until such time as they can live independently. Adolescents move a few feet away, keeping close to the parent as they begin to farm their own symbiotic plant life and learn the art of hunting, staying near enough to be fed if their efforts are unsuccessful. In late adolescence, the youngsters are fitted with their own crystalline communication devices by the parent, at which time they join Ahea society as contributing individuals.

Ahea generally reproduce in even numbers averaging four to six offspring at a time. At most, an adult will procreate three or four times before they grow too old to reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ahea growth rate is quite slow and their life spans far longer than humans, encompassing an average of five hundred years.

Ecology and Habitats

The ancient ecology of Ahea was in shallow oceans; however, they eventually adapted to live at the water’s edge on land where they could continue to fish in the shallows of rivers and lakes. They prefer warm, rainy habitats where their symbiotic farms can grow profusely. Such areas also tend to support a variety of wildlife for random harvesting.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The arms and fingers have tremendous reach and are capable of snatching a bird out of the sky or a fish out of water, which is primarily how these creatures hunt. Their chiefly vegetarian diet is achieved through a symbiotic arrangement of plant matter that grows heavily throughout the “branches” and is harvested at will. For protein intake, Ahea catch animals passing by on land, in the air or water, as they favor resting places near rivers and lakes. All food is eaten raw and fresh.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ahea have no noses or olfactory organs. They breathe through a multitude of small holes arrayed around the inner crown of branches at the top of their trunks on the underside of the major branches. These openings can be closed briefly during hard rain storms. They do not have ears or other auditory sensory organs and so are completely deaf; however, their limbs are highly sensitive to vibrations, temperature and movement.  It is through this sensitivity that they have learned the languages of other species, though they have no need of spoken language of their own, as they communicate with one another via gesture and the expulsion of chemical clouds.  As an advanced race, however, they developed crystal transmitters that allow Ahea to connect directly with each other, so that they may be in contact over vast distances.  These devices are implanted directly into their bodies as they near adulthood.

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