The Living Siren Myth in The War of Our Fathers | World Anvil

The Living Siren

The living siren is said to be a old air raid alarm post that got up and began moving still indefatigably spewing the eerie off-sounding raid siren. It is though that if this creature exists it could only have been brought about by serious dark forces. Accounts of air raid sirens in distant areas or remote locations has been a catalyst for supposed sightings all describing the terrifying radio demon.  The creature is said to be tall standing amongst the great pines to blend in or on city streets where a siren would be. Once it has identified a victim it is thought that the creature will begin making the siren noise to stir the person towards a certain area where they can be collected and, if the accounts of headless bodies found in nearby woods holds true, it will eat the victims heads gaining perfect mimicry of their vocal patterns and even knowledge about loved ones.  It is said that the creature fears only bright light leaving it to hunt at night and the only chance of escape is hiding and remaining as quiet as possible or getting to bright light to scare the beast off.