1 - The Letters of Dibenesha Ilunga - Città d'Argento and Five Sails in The Voyages of The Leonida | World Anvil
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1 - The Letters of Dibenesha Ilunga - Città d'Argento and Five Sails

Maggio 7, 1671   Most Honored Prince,   I am pleased to report that our trip to Città d'Argento went smoothly. The town is, as you suggested, a bit leery of our appearance. With the loss of Joppa and the general lawlessness of this stretch of Voddacce, they are used to being preyed upon. Over time though I feel that your operatives will win them over.   They are investigating the disappearances of the young girls; I gather that Sindaca Opilo has been doing what she can to keep things calm, but the lack of young women is noticeable. Those who can have sent them away; those who can't are keeping them indoors.   The local priest is a bit of a drunk but a supporter of the Inquisition, which ruffled a few feathers (perhaps it is better that I was not there) and I gather that Lady Donna and Captain Octavia have successfully won the trust of the Sindaca if not the whole town.   Maggio 8, 1671   Most Honored Prince   This has been an interesting day my, lord. It started out normally enough, with Lady Donna working on logistics for the tower, and Alice working to make sure that our battlements are up to snuff. While they were working on that Octavia, Katja and Luna were travelling to the nearby ruins.   It had been a town a long time ago, perhaps not a large one, but it had a Consular who was interred here. One of his ancestors journeyed and participated in the crusade against the Crescent Empire and died. While there our mercenaries dealt with some grave robbers - or perhaps just normal robbers.   A noble taking the name Magister Erasmus had set up camp out side the tomb (our band did not know that at the time, but discovered it later) - after scaring the bandits off, they were attacked by a ghoul or an ape - it sounds like an ape to me, but Luna is sure it was a ghoul. It had a dark scyth with unusual tracings - and was returned to the tomb. This Magister Erasmus had a longer book, but most had been destroyed - which I have traced and attached. Having returned the item to the tomb, they returned to town.   Meanwhile Alice and Lady Donna had been quite busy. After getting the tower defenses set a bit, they realized it was market day in Città d'Argento and so entered the city - while there they encountered a gentleman named Riccardo the Victrola who made not so subtle entreaties that our noble band steer clear of his business.   They came to the conclusion that he and his organization is behind steal the kidnapping of young folk, apparently to sell into Montaigne. Very disturbing. From what I understand, Donna was able to persuade him to leave and set up a meet with his boss, so hopefully that will buy us some time.   Addendum   I am afraid I spoke to soon, Riccardo returned, and it seems likely his main goal was to assassinate Lady Donna. He was stopped, as his plan was ill thought out, and the defenses, particularly by Fraulein Katja and Mademoiselle Alice were well thought out, and Lady Donna and Fraulein Luna intimidated. Finally, Signorina Octavia presented him with an opportunity to survive and he, showing a wisdom he had not shown previously, accepted it. As I understand it, their desire is to bring Riccardo to your lands and determine what to be done with him and the Scarpa family.   Maggio 10, 1671   We are on our way to Five Sails, and I am a bit concerned about what we will find. My own experiences in my home country have taught me that an organized criminal cartel may be more difficult to deal with than an army. The Scarpa family can choose not to face us directly, and if they choose to do that, than there may be some difficulty. I gather that Fraulein Katja has some insight onto a potential member of the Scarpa family who might prove to be someone we can deal with, but I cannot say with certainty.   Maggio 12 1671   Our work in the port of Five Sails is interesting. Fraulein Luna registered with the swordsmen's guild, and I have had 2 offers for her to duel on behalf of both an elderly gentleman from Eisen and a young political firebrand from the Sarmatian Commonwealth. Her writings are quite passionate but have made her an enemy or two among the Montaignan's and the Castillans. A short section of one of her pieces  
A short declaration to take off Prejudice.   Some, hearing of this common freedom, think there must be a community of all the fruits of the earth whether they work or no, therefore strive to live idle upon other men's labors.   Others, through the same unreasonable beastly ignorance, think there must be a community of all men and women for copulation, and so strive to live a bestial life.   Others think there will be no law, but that everything will run into confusion for want-of government; but this platform proves the contrary.   Therefore, because that transgression doth and may arise from ignorant and rude fancy in man, is the law added.   That which true righteousness in my judgment calls community is this, to have the earth set free from all kingly bondage of lords of manors and oppressing landlords, which came in by conquest as a thief takes a true man's purse upon the highway, being stronger than he.
They also pursued the Scarpa family, and managed to locate Vissenta Scarpa the second daughter (the one who appears not to be a sorte strega). They determined that several of the sailors refused to carry cargo on behalf of the Scarpa family. They followed the daughter back to her residence, so they know where she presumably lives.   Maggio 13 1671   This morning has been fascinating. Fraulein Katja and Lady Donna visited a really interesting school - apparently an attempt to use the concepts espoused by the Samaratian Commonwealth in education. From what I could see it was a bit unfocused, but the students were very engaged and interested. Katja was quite taken by it, and also confirmed that some girls had gone missing from that school as well. The school master stated that it is hard to follow up leads because everybody is accusing everybody else.   Luna had an opportunity to duel a fatuous Castillan noble of some sort. He is a strong supporter of the inquistion, and an enemy of the Sarmatian political agitator Jolana Sokol. Luna dealt with the zealot handily, but I doubt he will forget his humiliation.   After that the group met with Vissenta Scarpa - Captain Ocatvia and Lady Donna did the talking and proposed that she take over the Scarpa family business. I see the logic (she is definitely a more moral person), but I am not sure they have considered the possibility that la Cosca may see an opportunity to move in. Their long stay at La Bucca has deepened their hunger to return to their home, and I'm sure that Five Sails would at least be closer than where they are now.   Vissenta seemed unsure, but I do think she would be a good potential leader. She knew of a storage facility where, I believe, she kept her books as well as some of the ladies before they are sent to other parts. The group headed there.   In the sort of cellar where the more illicit goods were kept, they were confronted by Sibilla Scarpa who was promptly executed for her crimes and the danger her foresight presented. I know that you are used to that sort of thing, but I found it a bit shocking. At any rate they then confronted Don Scarpa. He had strong followers, but ours were considerably stronger. The Don did attempt to kill Donna as a sort of final statement, but failed in the attempt.   Maggio 15 1671   My friends have returned from Montaigne. Apparently their mission was a success, for the most part. They haven't really opened much to me yet, but they seemed satisfied. I gather Luna was looking for an family heirloom. Having concluded matters her, they are organizing a tower guard and travelling back south; I believe that Octavia is eager to acquire the ship that you have promised her.   One interesting thing - Katja took her horse and left earlier than the rest of the party - so arrived considerably earlier than the others. That's a fast horse she has.


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