The B.U.I.L.D.E.R Technology / Science in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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The B.U.I.L.D.E.R

The Balanced Unilateral Infixing Lixivia Deconstructer Ex. Reconstructer. Weighing in at 25 pounds, this handheld device is an industrial utilitarian gauntlet-like machine covered in gravity modulators, Hardlight and Lux Projectors, and Molecular matter channels. When wielded, this device is capable of constructing buildings from their base components.


Used to construct cities, factories, houses, roads, utilities, or even just furniture, the usefulness of this tool is unmatched.
Made of Gravity Distorters, Lux Generators, Hardlight Generators, and Molecular Matter Channels, these devices cost an incredibly large amount, and must be assembled by hand.
Fun fact: When paired with an Atomizer, it's possible to construct a skyscraper out of nothing but air in minutes.

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