Planetary Archology Technology / Science in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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Planetary Archology

Ranging from oversized skyscrapers to mountain sized to planetary scales, Archologies are akin to entire countries housed within singular complexes, entire societies, cultures, lives from birth to death, housed within a single, giant, building.


Typically, Archologies are built to consolidate populations on a planet to save space for other less compactable technologies, and to save the amount of transportation required as, with enough elevators, the entire complex is somewhat walkable for a normal person, with trams being introduced if required.

Social Impact

With the potentiality of some never leaving the Archology they were born in for their entire lives, and still not able to see the entire thing, the absolute scale of these structures cannot be overstated. Within many larger Archologies, entire unique ecosystems of cultures and societies can rise, becoming both socially and in some cases, legally distinct entities outside of what planet an Archology may be on. In many cases, they are treated as their own cities, with their own leaders, resources, and diplomatic ties as though it were separate from wherever it may be.
Access & Availability
Archologies are the most common way for a planet to save on space - no need for extreme amount of resources or engineering prowess like Orbital Rings or Ringworlds. They are extremely common, with most planets have at least one of them.
The most common form of Archology is the "Megatower," what are essentially giant rectangular buildings, hollowed out in the center as a form of skyscraper superblock.

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