Biomechanical Synthesis Technology / Science in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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Biomechanical Synthesis

At one point far in the past, there was a major distinction between what one would call "Life" and "Machine." Life was, well, alive; life was ever changing, growing, recycling and reproducing on its own, and machines? Simplistic, even if extraordinarily complex internally, masses of non-living material to create a non-living in-organic construction. But slowly, the barrier between the two seemed to only blur more and more. Machines could self replicate, they could change, adapt, and improve, they could think.   At the atomic level, it's all just dead stuff. It's all physics - chemistry. Life and machine now are no different from one another, because, no matter what, it's all just the same stuff.


Biomechanical Synthesis is the term used to define the convergence of metal and flesh, each interacting one another equally, to be apart of a single whole. This is most commonly seen with metallic body-modifications. Just as the "inert" mechanisms can interact with and change "animated" organic tissue, the tissue can similarly interact and modify the mechanical. All organic life, when modified genetically through Gene Malleability, can be "programmed" identically to a computer, because deep down, it's all the same. Either cells made of metal, or robots made of flesh, where one truly stops and the other begins is lost.
Many species are capable of augmenting their body on the fly, either due to genetic augmentation or inherent biology. With Biomechanical Synthesis, these abilities augment their cybernetics as much as their body, both parts working as a single whole.
To many, any "artificial" augmentations to their body is considered just as much as their naturally created body, often not differentiating them, either in concept, or speech.

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