Amalgamorphs Species in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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Without intelligence, they roam. Created from a vat of mixed genes and technologies, one could only guess what one Amalgamorph could do from the next. Their forms so different from one another, limbs, senses, behaviors, all crafted for one specific purpose: Kill.

Basic Information


Amalgamorphs are capable of almost any form, and are more of a classification of bioweapon than anything else.

Growth Rate & Stages

No modern Amalgamorphs are capable of self-reproduction. Not after the infestations of previous self-sustaining Amalgamorphs. They say they've all been wiped out, but if you check feeds on the Deepnet, you know otherwise.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Amalgamorphs usually have sub-sentient intelligence, harboring only destruction and violence, though some can be scarily capable of planning.

Civilization and Culture


Created hundreds of galactic years ago, the Amalgamorphs were originally bred as weapons of war, and still are today.

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