Mindscape Technology / Science in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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The Mindscape is a neural interface that provides a central database and repository between all Core worlds. The technology has not breached the Rim in a big way as of yet, though many datapads have a way to connect into the database to retrieve data.   The Mindscape is operated through a mental avatar and is similar to the concept of Virtual Reality of old Earth. The biggest hinderance in the spread of the Mindscape so far has been the lack of ease in connecting distant systems together. Several corporations involved in Mindscape creation and access have begun placing systems, repeaters, and pylons in empty systems to attempt to solve this issue.   If this issue is solved and the universe of mankind is united by one common mental database accessible by anyone, experts believe mankind may be able to take the next step in intergalactic unification.
Access & Availability
Core Worlds
Incredibly complex and it has proven difficult to hack or even crack
It is rumored that the basis for the technology was brought back from an exploration into the Depths. Many xenophobic detractors cite this as a reason to be wary of the technology.

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