House Rules in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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House Rules

General Game Mechanics

Scene Type Clarification

Conflict Scene: Any scene with GM Requested (ie: Active) Skill Checks, Roleplay, or Rolled Initiative
Non-Conflict Scene: Any other Scene including Downtime, inter-PC Roleplay, etc

Create an Aspect Difficulties

Difficulties to create Invokes are typically 2 for Non-Conflict situations or 3 for Conflict against the related skill

Creating the Same Aspect

In any Non-Conflict Scene, an individual person can only add a number of invokes equal to the DC + 1 for every additional 3 over the target number. Should the person attempt to add more, they can replace the number of invokes on the Created Aspect with the newly rolled number of invokes.
Multiple people may be able to add additional invokes onto the same Created Aspect if it makes sense and following the same principle. It is recommended to track the number of invokes added by multiple players on different lines for convenience.

Teamwork Bonus

One person may always apply the +1 to the roll if they have at least +1 in the relevant skill. Anyone else applying a +1 has to justify what they are doing to give that bonus and it is per GM discretion on whether it makes sense per the situation (though it still won’t need a roll unlike Creating Advantages if so).

Consequence Penalties

Players will only receive a penalty for the rolls equal to the Highest level of the Highest Consequence that was taken in the current scene (or remains untreated from a previous scene). These penalties will be:
  • Mild: -2
  • Moderate: -4
  • Severe: -6
  • Extreme/Permanent: -8

Carrying a Person

Moving a Willing or Unconscious person can be done with a Physique or Athletics equal to 1+Physique. This check increases by 1 every turn they are continuously carried.

Resources Change

Resources are split into 3 types, Krasian Merits, Terran Credits, and Varsian Duties. Credits, as the first form of currency, is still the standard moniker for currency in most places. Each form of currency follows a variation of the Block-Chain model and no physical representation exists outside of "CredSticks" which hold units of currency.   Replacing the "Resources" skill is hard currency. Things like Food or Drink often cost around 2-5 currency depending on the location.   The Resources skill now represents the Investments that someone has made that they can draw upon when in need. Each Skill in Resources represents around 1000 credits and a Resources roll is used when accessing the person's "portfolio" to get the current profit of their assets if they were to extract their Resources. This does not affect their actual Skill (though repeated checks are not permitted in succession when the result is taken) nor the Credit Consequences which can still be taken to indebt someone to make up for a lack of resources. Each +1 listed in the MindJammer values is approximately 1000 credits.  

Fate Reduction

Starting Fate will be reduced from 5 to 3.

Scales and Zones


Number of Zones per Compared Scale

Zones are calculated from the Lowest Scaled Object in the Scene. Higher scaled objects take up a number of zones equal to the following comparison.
Zones Per Scale +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
+1 1 4 16 64 256 1536
+2 4 1 4 16 64 256
+3 16 4 1 4 16 64
+4 64 16 4 1 4 16
+5 256 64 16 4 1 4
+6 1536 256 64 16 4 1

Scaled Number of Movement per Turn

The lowest scaled object determines the number of Zones in the given Scene. The number of movement per Scale is calculated from the Scale of the Object compared to the lowest Scale with the object taking up 4xScale worth of Zones
Movement per Action Zone Scale (+1) Zone Scale (+2) Zone Scale (+3) Zone Scale (+4) Zone Scale (+5) Zone Scale (+6)
Scale (+1) 1 2 4 8 16 32
Scale (+2) 2 1 2 4 8 16
Scale (+3) 4 2 1 2 4 8
Scale (+4) 8 16 2 1 2 4
Scale (+5) 16 8 4 2 1 2
Scale (+6) 32 16 8 4 2 1

Construct/Ship Rounds

Unlike in MindJammer, each player is permitted an Action during most Construct Rounds to ensure that everyone is still able to remain engaged. All Ship Crew (ie: members of 1 construct) operate in their preferred order on their Construct's turn and, in most cases, members will have to spend their turns operating parts of the Construct to permit actions (ie: Moving, Scanning, Fighting, etc).  


Unless altered by a Stunt, the Ship's Maneuver check is the Lowest Rating between the active Pilot or the Ship's check (especially in Opposed Maneuver Rolls). A Pilot's check may still be used to designate reaction times or flat skill to navigate areas.  

Construct Zones

Construct Zones are weighted in range to the Scale of the smallest Construct involved, however every difference in scale rating doubles the Movement and Range. Ie: if a Human Sized Mech (+0) is engaging a Huge (+2) ship, the Zone Scales will be to the (+0) Mech. The Huge ship will move 4 zones and have 4 zones of range per 1Z listed while a (+3) ship would have 8 Zones/Range comparably.
See Above

Zip Drives & Planing

Ships are able to navigate Z-Space well but run into a few issues with making repeated Z-Drive jumps that make U-Drives optimal.  

Continuous Jump Distance

Zip Drives are able to travel distances approximately 8x their Planing Rating without added strain, so a +2 Planing drive would allow 20LY of continuous travel without added difficulty or strain on the drive. This depends on the quality and upkeep of the drive itself, obviously.
U-Drives are able to travel distances approximately 13x their Planing Rating.  

Z-Drive Cooldown

Though it does typically take 30 minutes to plot a Z-Drive jump, a good pilot can narrow that down to as little as 10 with appropriate technology. However, Z-Drives need a cooldown period after repeated jumps to avoid overheating or exploding. Ships can typically make "rapid jumps" without the cooldown check at a rating equal to their Planing before a Cooldown is forced (ie: +2 Planing allows 2 systems to be rapidly jumped).   The engine typically takes 8 hours to "cool" before jumping again safely, though this can be forced with the following check listed below at the Z-Drive. A failure may result in the technician being burned or hit with a radiation wave from the cooling engine, so there is a risk involved.   (Planing) Zip Drive: 4 System Max before Z-Drive Cooldown (1 Hour Technical Check: Planing + (# of Systems Jumped x 2) = DC)

Hazardous Effects

When under the effect of a Harsh environmental condition (freezing cold, heat, lack of oxygen), the PC is able to survive the effects by making a Physique Roll. The Default difficulty may begin anywhere between 1-5 and increases by 1 for every additional turn, scene, or day that the PC remains in that environment or hazard depending on the effect.
Examples: Freezing, Suffocating, Overheated


Applies the effect of the Hazard. In cases such as Hot/Cold, it may apply an environmental Aspect on that character (recoverable when out of the environment with Medicine/Science checks like injuries).
Extreme Hazards (drowning, extreme temps) will apply Stress as well as 1 Invoke of the Environmental Aspect on Failure.

Crit Failure

Applies an Invoke of the Environmental Aspect as well as Stress in all Hazards.

Success with Style

Provides a Resilience Invoke towards that specific effect.


Characters with a Physique rating of at least 1 may opt to not roll, treating it as if their Physique rating is their Roll. Resolve Success/Failure/Style as normal.

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