Brok Character in The Upland Vales | World Anvil


Brok grew up in a small Orcish village in the mountains near Val Garuhm. He was always interested in the stories of heroes and adventurers who would come to visit the village and regale them with tales of their exploits. Despite his love for adventure, Brok was expected to follow in his father's footsteps and become a carpenter.   However, Brok's life changed when a group of bandits raided the village and razed the village, killing most of the inhabitants. Enraged and determined to seek justice, Brok set out to track down the bandits. Along the way, he met a traveling Paladin of Trithereon who offered to aid him in his quest for justice.   Together, Brok and the Paladin defeated the bandits and brought them to justice. Brok was so inspired by the Paladin's devotion to Trithereon and his unwavering commitment to justice that he decided to devote his life to a similar path. He too became a Paladin of Trithereon and began adventuring, seeking to right wrongs and fight for the cause of justice and liberty.


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