Bakery Drake Species in The Unknown Realms | World Anvil

Bakery Drake

This dragon’s scales are a deep brown, except along its golden-brown underbelly. The smell of baked bread emanates from it, and bits of salt and splotches of white flour dot its scales, giving it the coloration of a baked roll.   Bakery drakes inhabit bakeries, restaurants, and inns, where they devise resplendent pastries and other savory baked treats. Though most bakery drakes receive adoration in settled areas, they face danger in the wilderness, where their aroma makes them targets for hungry creatures.  

No Shortcuts, No Artificiality.

Bakery drakes zealously guard their reputations as bakers. While they calmly accept the opinion of those who don’t like the goods they produce, they take great offense when anyone suggests they cut corners or use magic to enhance their food. The drakes take care to point out when they use magic to enhance a food item to set expectations. Consistent with their pride in their craft, they never poison food they prepare.  

Sweet-Toothed Dragons.

Bakery drakes enjoy fruit and have trouble controlling their appetites when preparing treats containing their favorite pieces. The drakes enjoy traveling to other lands to learn new recipes and sample new food.  

Doughy Physiology.

Bakery drakes have several properties in common with bread dough, notably the naturally occurring yeast within their bodies. The heat of a sunny day or a lit oven causes the yeast to break down, surrounding the drake with the aroma of baked bread. However, too much heat speeds up this process, disorienting the drake.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Restaurants, bakeries and inns.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They can eat most foods but prize fruit and sweets most highly.


Bakery drakes are proud of their prowess as bakers. They take food and food preparation seriously.

Additional Information


They often form partnerships with humanoid bakers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Perhaps only in Squall's End.

Average Intelligence

Approximately human intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision to 60 ft. and keen smell.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Bakery Drakes tend to get along well with any race that appreciates well-prepared food, in particular sweets.
Average Height
2.5 - 3.5 feet.
Average Weight
40 - 60 lbs.
Average Length
4-6 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
This dragon’s scales are a deep brown, except along its golden-brown underbelly. The smell of baked bread emanates from it, and bits of salt and splotches of white flour dot its scales, giving it the coloration of a baked roll.


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