Kipzel Physics Manipulation Story Prose in The Universe | World Anvil

Kipzel Physics Manipulation Story

Goblin scientists need to work hard to get their discoveries out. Although it is known that there are many groups of intelligent goblinoids, there are just as many unintelligent groups. Zinfalb Kipzel was born and raised into a goblin family, on a planet between three black holes, perfectly balanced between them and in no danger of being sucked in. He lived a safe life without any reason to fear the three black holes around their system, and going to different planets was possible, as there was a sort of public transport system, where large ships would be teleported by casters using teleportation spells to move the vessels. Still, he wondered what would happen if someone were to go into one and survive. He knew that no amount of protective suits or strong spaceships would prevent the violent stretching of a black hole. So he thought that if you were to somehow make an inseparable device made from one particle, you could throw it in without any damage. And he had an idea as to how to make one, but he knew it would never get him recognized, since the method he had in mind was very taboo. It is almost universally shunned to mix science and magic. Sure, it is common to harness magical artifacts to make various tools, and to use magic in technological devices, but using magic to mess with and alter the very building blocks of matter is shunned. The gods don't want mortals meddling with existence. Anyone who tries to do so is stripped of their ability to use magic. But Kipzel was clever. He didn't need to cast magic to use it, as he'd thought of a way to cast spells without the most important component: a sentient mind casting the spell. He used anomalous materials that could move ambient magic, and built devices to use these materials to manipulate the ambient magic in the air. When a spell is cast, the caster is weaving and shaping the magic from whatever source they get it from, be it a god, the ambient magic in the air, or just the magic innately within them. Kipzel found a way to cast a spell without a consciousness, using machines to manually weave and shape ambient magic. With these devices, he was able to manipulate two layers of reality at once: magic and material. He rearranged the very fundamentals of material reality. He made new subatomic particles with any behavior he needed. He started small with particles with different masses, gravities, and charges. Then he moved from changing existing properties to making his own. He created particles that swapped the protons/neutrons and electrons of an atom. He made particles that would always point in a certain direction. Particles that would do things no mind could think of were made. Particles that defied any conventional physics. But they didn't break the rules. They made new rules. So once he had mastered particle customization, Kipzel made his magnum opus. The memory quark. A quark that could receive and store information. He made what was essentially a camera and microphone in one subatomic particle. Then he entangled a memory quark with another, set up an observation device on one, then sent the other into a black hole. What he found was amazing. He discovered that the singularity of every black hole is its own galaxy. Its own dimension. Its own realm. Perhaps the outermost galaxy is the ethereal plane, or the Underdark. Perhaps it's where the gods reside. He had to live his life carefully from then on. The gods were angry with him for meddling with their work. His will was attached to the written record of his discoveries. He died soon after publishing it.

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