The Frozen Orcs Settlement in The United Realms | World Anvil

The Frozen Orcs

The Frozen Orc settlement stands as a stark testament to the resilience and determination of the orcish race in the face of adversity. Situated on the outskirts of known civilization, the settlement exists in the frigid and treacherous lands of the Badlands. Life in this harsh environment is a constant struggle against the elements and the ever-looming threat of the surrounding territories. The Frozen Orcs, having been driven from their ancestral lands in the Plow Coast, have found refuge in this unforgiving corner of the world. Cut off from the comforts and resources enjoyed by the realms of the United Realms, the Frozen Orcs have learned to adapt and survive in the harshest conditions. Their settlement is built from sturdy, weathered materials such as ice and stone, standing as a testament to their endurance.   Living on the outskirts of known civilization means limited access to trade, resources, and support. The Frozen Orcs have become self-reliant out of necessity, honing their skills as hunters, gatherers, and craftsmen. They rely on their knowledge of the land, mastering survival techniques to navigate the treacherous terrain and brave the harsh climate.   Despite their isolation, the Frozen Orcs maintain a strong sense of community and pride in their heritage. They have developed a deep connection with the land and the spirits that dwell within it, drawing on ancient traditions and shamanic practices to guide their way of life. Their culture is rooted in a deep respect for nature and the balance it maintains, seeking harmony between themselves and the untamed wilderness that surrounds them.   Living on the outskirts of known civilization also means facing constant threats and oppression from those within the United Realms. The Frozen Orcs endure discrimination, prejudice, and attempts to restrict their growth and expansion. The United Realms, with their superior military might, have used their power to keep the Frozen Orcs confined to their limited territories, hindering their ability to flourish and reclaim their rightful place.   In spite of these challenges, the Frozen Orcs persist, fiercely protecting their sovereignty and cultural identity. They remain a proud and resilient people, holding on to their traditions and forging a path of their own in the harsh and unforgiving Badlands. The Frozen Orc settlement serves as a testament to their spirit and their determination to thrive in the face of adversity.  


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