Thomas Johnson Character in The United Commonwealth of the United Kingdom and Her Colonies | World Anvil
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Thomas Johnson

Posh Boy

Major Thomas Charles Henry David George Johnson, CGC, DSM**, LVO, OBC (a.k.a. Fingers)

This Earth-born American Major previously worked for the Household Cavalry as an intelligence officer and then a company commander during the Singapore salient defence and the Indian Mutiny. His time with the Household Cavalry ending when he was seconded by the QOARC as their senior intelligence officer. Upon the disbanding of the QOARC, Thomas moved to the 1st Rifles at the request of Colonels Macgregor and Bartlett, who had previously enjoyed working with Thomas, both as an intelligence officer and as a command officer.
His war against the Tarquin was on the whole, much quieter than Macgregor's. This changed in 2968, when the intrasystem shuttle he was on, whilst moving between two planets in the Taiwan-in-exile system, was ambushed by the Tarquin and only he, the pilot of the shuttle, the 2iC of 7th company, the CSM, and one new private from the company command section survived the initial ambush. Allegedly, Thomas orchestrated, in a moment of sheer of annoyance more than anything else, the capture of the small corvette that had attempted to kill them all. Having successfully returned the favour to the Tarquin, killing 30 of them, Thomas drove it back to the closest naval base in the sector, with allegdly one hand on the wheel, where it was picked apart leading to new firing solution protocols being created and disseminated to the fleet.
For his commanding presence and cool under fire, Thomas was awarded his first bar for his DSM and command of 7th company at which point their battalion was rotated off the frontlines and put on stand by in the Indian sector in light of the growing unrest there.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wirey, but extremely tone. No cybernetic parts or replacement bones. Starting to turn grey as he enters into biological middle age. O+ Nitrile allergy

Physical quirks


Special abilities

Is very good with codes and cypher breaking, as well as operational security. Thomas is not quite as good as Jack Anderson at using the radio equipment in non-standard ways to send information, but as a renowned linguist Thomas created the QOARC static combat cant, which has been brought forward to being the Solent Corps' combat cant.

Apparel & Accessories

Standard solent uniform with purple QOARC backing and 2806 Pattern Infantry Sword.

Specialized Equipment

A 2893 pattern intelligence slate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As an Earth-born human Thomas Johnson, the bastard son of an American Senior Civil Servant (Sir Kristoff Sanders) and a Canadian MP (The Right Honourable Member for Ottawa, Lady Marisha Johnson), had only one regiment he could join after his degree, in recent Asian history and Chinese languages. This was The Household Cavalry Regiment, the senior regiment of the British Army and the major tank reconnaissance unit. So, in 2962, aged 24, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. Unlike his colleagues in the Solent Corps, Thomas spent most of his time in the war against the Tarquin as a company S-2. Partly, this was because of his fluency with Chinese, useful for understanding the intelligence reports from the Chinese speaking locals and the Chinese star empire next door, but also just his general intelligence.   The Singapore Salient was generally much quieter than the Oceania front, and as such until his run-in with the errant Tarquin corvette, Thomas had been promoted relatively slowly, due to an inherent lack of combat losses, making Major in 2968, after 7 years as a company S-2.   
In 2972, he was transferred to the Queen's Own Anti-Revolutionary Company because of this experience as a S-2. Upon the transfer, he was assigned to be the senior intelligence officer of the unit, with permanent assignment to 1st section, which he successfully did for many years serving as Macgregor's left hand, enjoying a close partnership with Richard Bartlett, until his assignation as 5th section 2iC under LTC Cheoung Lao-Tzu

Upon the disbanding of the QOARC, he was offered the S-2 job for the entire HCR by Brigadier Whittington-Foxley, which he turned down for the 2iC job of 2nd Battalion, 1st Solent Rifles, out of loyalty to Rick and Alastair. It didn't hurt that he had also had his fill of the S-2 role for a few years. Upon taking his position, it was his role, along with RSM Ironsides, BSM Locke and Captain Johar to beast the new Company commanders into shape for both the Rifles and the Fusiliers.

Gender Identity





Military Academy, Sandhurst
Hong Kong, in Exile, University: Chinese language and History.


Appointment and Unit. (Rank and approx time held)

2iC 5th Section, The Queen’s Own Anti-Revolutionary Company (Major, 2 years)
S-2 (Intelligence) Officer 1st Section, The QOARC (Major, 7 years)
Officer Commanding, 7th Squadron, 13th Battalion, The Household Cavalry Regiment. (Major, 3 Years)
S-2 13th Batt, The HCR (Captain, 2 Years)
S-2 9th Sqdn, 13th Batt, The HCR. (Captain, 5 Years)
Troop Commander 9th Trp, 8th Sqdn, 13th batt, The HCR. (2nd Lieutenant- 1st Lt, 1 year)

Commissioned: 28/9/2962
Degree Completed: 17/7/2962

Accomplishments & Achievements

List of Awards for Gallantry and Service.

Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (2973).
Distinguished Service Medal** (2966, 2968, 2976).
Lieutenant of the Royal Victoria Order (2976).
Officer of the British Commonwealth (2977).
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (2973).
8 General Service Medals (2963, 2965, 2965, 2966, 2967, 2968, 2969).

Personality Characteristics


Hasn't got a drive like Bartlett or Macgregor, but he does want to look after his troops, love his husband, and go home to their kids.


Contacts & Relations

Lieutenant-Colonel Lomo Commanding Officer: 4th batallion, the Household Cavalry Regiment.

Family Ties

Husband: Kenneth Clarke
Son: Peter


Has a habit of speaking Cantonese as a personal code. Likes making Macgregor and Bartlett uncomfortable by talking to Major Michaels in Cantonese like they are shit talking them. They aren't. It's usually about the weather.

Hobbies & Pets

Hobbies include translating Chinese novels into English and playing golf with his husband


Middle Range Midwest accent.

Wealth & Financial state

More than some what well todo.
Majors Tab, with previous service backing by Myself
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Major Thomas Sanders CGM, DSM**, LVO, OBC
2iC: 2nd Battalion, 1st Solent Rifles
Serial Number
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
2938 CE 44 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Parents were having an affair, both married to other people. Fifth child of his mothers.
Minnesota, Former American Mainland, Earth
Current Residence
Hong Kong-in-exile colony, Indian Sector, Asian Supersector
Light Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned White
Quotes & Catchphrases
請你講慢啲 Qǐng màn man shuō (Please talk slowly, usually aimed at upstart junior officers or particularly dense general officers).
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Catechoic
Character Prototype
Tom Hiddleston

Cover image: by Myself


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