Catechols Species in The United Commonwealth of the United Kingdom and Her Colonies | World Anvil
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An almost Human looking species, they gained their human nickname from the fact they lack the catecholamines that human brains function, and desperately depend, on. Found all over the interior of the Commonwealth, the Catechols have integrated well into human life. Generally slightly meek, they do not usually enjoy living out on the frontiers of the Commonwealth or their own former empire. This is because the brutal wars between the Catechols and the Furies, in recent history, and the Tarquins in ancient history.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Much as with Humans anywhere there is breathable oxygen.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

All climatic conditions

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

FTL, Teleportation, Replication.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Catecholic is a language very much based on whistles and clicks. There are three major variants of Catecholic, including High, Coreward Common and Rimward Common.  Humans have coopeted the language for combat cant, and this is slowly becoming its own dialect.
Tau Ceti 6
300 years
Average Height
1.5 metres
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Royal Coat of Arms by Myself


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