The People Species in The Union | World Anvil
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The People

We are a people who have found the perfect way of life, and as such we live in true union, that we may sustain the community, and the community thus sustains the People, and so the People support the Council. The Council are the knowledgeable in our society, who set our guidelines and keep us in union with our purpose, for the good of all.   We live as a union of all people, and yet we are each allowed our freedom, for The Council is both wise and just. They do not control us as past governments did to those under their rule. The Council are our guides, our teachers, our protectors. They know what is good in this world, and they show us the way. They teach us what is best to pursue, but do not force us to do so. If we feel that we have a calling, we are instructed in that which we desire to do, so that we might do it to the best of our ability. We are a union of individual people, all doing what they have been chosen to do for the good of the People. Those among us who are found to be gifted are taken into The Council and trained to use our gifts for the good of the People. Some become Knowledgeable, and help to improve the Technology that helps and protects us. The strong and skilled become part of the Safety Office and Safety Patrol, working alongside us to protect us and ensure that everything runs smoothly. (I, for my part, have been given the distinct privilege of writing this message to you, that you might learn from us and come to fully understand The People and The Council)   The Council is the group of chosen elite who are chosen to ensure the good of The People. The Lesser Court of The Council contains the training grounds and base of operations for the Safety Office, a force of about 4 million human service members chosen by The Knowledgeable for their physical and mental prowess, who are stationed in each of the many cities of The Union as well as at the main base where all the AI Security Droids are monitored and all observation is conducted, either from AI SD's, AI Observation Drones, or other forms of observation. The other part of The Lesser Court is the assembly and maintenance factory for The Council's technology known as The Mech, where all advanced tech created by The Knowledgeable is assembled by work droids and repaired and maintained by Mechs, which is the name for Lesser Court mechanics. They know each and every single piece of technology inside and out, and work to assist The Knowledgeable who create such wonders. The final part of The Lesser Court are We Knowledge Seekers, those of The Council who seek out, collect, and record any and all knowledge of use to increase the knowledge of The Council and of The People. We are those who create the texts of learning and knowledge for The People, and are the teachers at the schools in each and every city of The Union. We ensure the preservation of all knowledge and also ensure that knowledge is not corrupted by useless data.   The Greater Court is made up of the very greatest members of The Council, known as The Knowledgeable. It is they who create the guidelines to ensure the good of The People and craft the many great technologies which ensure The Peoples' safety and well being. They meet every month to discuss the needs of The People and what new discoveries, inventions, or events have occurred, creating and editing the guidelines to ensure balance and the good of The People. Assisted by those they choose from The Lesser Court, they research new medicines, invent new technologies, and examine all knowledge gathered to ensure that all is as it should be and to seek inspiration for new ideas. They also oversee the Disciplinary Council, chosen members from among The Knowledgeable who run the Safety Office's Special Education Center, where those who have been found to have acted against The People and The Council are taken to be corrected and made into true members of society for the good of all. Unfortunately many resist, and therefore special Ai Security Droids are assigned there to ensure the safety of both the members of the Disciplinary Council and those who are being treated. Those who repeatedly cause trouble are marked on either cheek or hand with tattoos of microbiological technology that are read automatically by security when they go anywhere after being released to identify the person, making sure they do not stray again.   But among us We have begun to detect those who are not fully in union with the People and the Council. There are of course, those who stray, but they are taken to the Disciplinary Council, and those that come out are true members of the People. But these We describe are of a different sort. They act as though they have a... knowledge, greater than that which is given to us by the Council. No, not knowledge. They do not simply know, for We know, but they are not as We are.

Basic Information


We are as you are, Human.

Genetics and Reproduction

We procreate for the good of The People.

Growth Rate & Stages

We are a people that neither grows nor shrinks. As one enters, the other leaves. Order is maintained, and we do not seek farther out.

Ecology and Habitats

We live in an environment that is controlled, so as not to allow great disturbances in the order of things.

Dietary Needs and Habits

We live, not as you live, for we have found the perfect combination of nutrients to sustain and satisfy us.

Biological Cycle

We are as you are.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

We know far more than what you know, for We have been taught correctly by The Council, whose Knowledge is great.
Scientific Name
We are, for all accounts and appearances, Human, though not so foolish.
Race, Religion, Creed, Belief, People, Nation. These are of your world, not ours.
Conservation Status
The People are protected by the Safety Officers and the Safety Council, for Outcast tend to raid our outlying cities, and there are times when our Technology fails. They are there to aid and assist all those in distress, and to fend off all who would create such chaos as to disrupt the order in our cities with no thought for the good of others. This is why the Knowledgeable built the AI Droids, among other things, that they might be our greatest defenders and that they might assist where a human dare not tread.   However, We also seem to be protected by a strange organization that we do not know much about, other than that they are people the same as we are, but there is something about them that seems, for lack of a better word, Greater. They appear at times of great disorder, sometimes as a group, others by themselves, and aid those in need of assistance, but disappear when the Safety Officers appear. We must be on the look out for these, for the guidelines show clearly that those who do not obey Safety Officers are against The People and The Council. There have been reports of violence done by unknown people, but these cannot be the same, can they? They are not as the Outcast, who are ragged and savage, killing anyone in their way and taking what they do not deserve. Who are these people? I admit that I wish to know more, and with The Council's permission I shall investigate further.

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