The Flugel Village Settlement in The Unhellish Planes | World Anvil
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The Flugel Village (| ðə ˈflyːɡəl ˈvɪlɪdʒ |)


The settlement is run by a single group – The Flugels.


The Flugel Village is guarded by a volunteer militia of the local denizens and the willed. Mainly, the Flugel Village is protected by a large and invisible Barrier Spell that continuously runs from day-to-night. Usually, none of these defenses are ever needed, when a serious threat appears. This is because one of the Flugels of the Flugel Village would arrive on the scene to quickly dispatch of the threat.

Industry & Trade

The Flugel Village is an exporter of grains and crops. They distribute it across The Forest Flower, even to towns and villages where they were previously unheard of or just a myth or legend.

Mainly, the Flugel Village is a melting pot of cultures within The Forest Flower. Due to its elusive whereabouts and notoriously hard-to-locate reputation and locatio, most people are unable to make it here. However, those who do, get to the reap the rewards of an audience with Flugels or meeting with Willed individuals from across The Forest Flower or even The Converging Valleys. Here, strong adventurers that have managed to make it here, coming from all sorts of backgrounds, trade their items or even donate it, making the city's trade consist mainly of adventurer's various items, much like the City of Sha'Ta'El, situated in the most southern peripherals of The Converging Valleys.


The Village is located in an area known only as the Steel Wind Pass, that runs through a large river that travels from Northeast to Southwest of the Village. There is an overpass connecting two of the large Roofed Forest Tree residences, one of which is situated on a small plot of land on the river, Northeast of the river. There is also a large stone-brick bridge connecting the two sides of the river, Southwest of the village.

The North of the Flugel Village also consists of a large farmland space where the vast majority of their crops and cattle are located.

Southeast of the Flugel Village is a courtyard with a stage that actors, singers and performers use to entertain the nearby Ivy Inn, Leaf Aperitif and other Roofed Forest Tree Residences.

The Flugel Library of The Forest Flower is also located North of the Southwestern bridge, the first building seen to the right of the bridge. Additionally, the Steel Wind Pass' Trinket Store can be seen to the most Southwest of the Flugel Village.


-The Hephaestos' Forge, the local smithing works
-The Flugel Library of The Forest Flower
-The Steel Leaf Carpentry
-The Steel Wind Pass' Trinket Store
-The Leaf Apertif Tavern
-The Ivy Inn
-The Flugel Residences
-Courtyard Stage of the Flugel Village
-Branch of the School of Sciquis

Guilds and Factions

The Flugel Village has only one main faction that also rules over it – The Flugels.


Not much is known about the history of the elusive Flugel Village, apart from their announcement to protect The Forest Flower, hundreds of years ago.

Points of interest

The Flugel Village has but a few Points of Interest, which is its main assets listed above.


Despite the luscious grass and scenic Roofed Trees, flora and fauna; the Flugel Village was never designed for any form of tourism. Adventurers looking for scenic sightseeing and the like will have to look within The City of Everfree or The City of Oasis for more tourist-ready sights. However, those looking for beautiful landscapes can still admire the general environment and safehaven that is the Flugel Village.


The Flugel Village mainly consists of small to large cottage houses and buildings with dark-oak accents and roofs. Some of the larger estate or smaller communities within the village is also integrated into the large Roofed Forest Trees within the boundaries of the village.


The Flugel Village appears to be situated in an area of the Roofed Forest where a river has flown through, known only as the Steel Wind Pass. Not much else is known about its geography, due to its elusive whereabouts.

Natural Resources

The Flugel Village has access to most things within the Roofed Forest of The Forest Flower, however they are mainly known for their access to Steel Leaf and Ironwood Trees, that make for great armor and weaponry, while being able to be steadily farmed and collected for use.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hidden Village of the Forest, The Protective Core of the Forest Flower
Location under
Characters in Location

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