Session 6: The Elementals of Draconite Pass Report in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Session 6: The Elementals of Draconite Pass

General Summary

The Sleepy Bastards Inn was buzzing as always. Five adventurers found themselves in the inn looking for work. Thomas Torkenmad, the human Cavalier of the Order of the Dragon, and Krhamme, the dwarven fighter. Sarai, the tengu air druid, and Medea Wolfe, the human barbarian. Lastly Gröt, the Ghoran shifter. They were all sitting at the same table discussing what type of job they were going to take on. They were suddenly interrupted by the door opening and a pale white tengu priest entered. The priest known as Pastor Zuck, saw the group with Thomas and approached them. He told them about a draconic creature from the outer plane of Nirvana. An Agathion. The creature had sent him to find adventurers who could help him with a quest. The group agrees and heads off to the temple of Sarenrae to face this creature.   There they were immediately awestruck by the sight of the large, red, draconic visage that was now stood before them. The creature looked like a dragon, but its hindlegs were replaced by a snakelike tail. It radiated calming energy and spoke to them with a deep voice. It told them about its current abode, a tower deep in the deserts southeast of Nova Aera, and about how it had become overrun by magma elementals from the Plane of Fire. The agathion offered them his most generous reward if they could help him clear the elementals out. The party accepted and planned to leave in the morning.   On their way back to the tavern, the dwarf suggests that they should go out for a drink that night. Gröt, who as a ghoran had experiences from previous lifetimes fresh in his mind, suggests that they go to the very best of Nova Aeras many brothels. Sarai and Medea didn't feel like going to the brothel so they went straight to the Sleepy Bastard instead. When they arrived at the brothel, Gröt was welcomed with open arms by his previous associates. The others never saw him again until the next morning. Thomas who had only joined to keep an eye on the others decided to wait outside. Krhamme on the other hand walked straight up to the bar and began drinking. This was short-lived however, either due to bad form, too little food or just the kind of alcohol. But anyway, it didn't many drinks until the dwarf fell unconscious to the ground. The bouncers threw him out and he spent the night in the bushes with Thomas sitting by his side.    The next morning Gröt left the brothel early to find his companions laying outside. The group met up with the others at the Sleepy Bastard, and they all left for the Draconite Pass. After many hours of travel, they find themselves in the middle of the desert. They spend the night camping on top of a sand dune. After travelling for many more hours the next day they find themselves walking between two sand dunes. Suddenly they were jumped by desert bandits. The bandits, however, stand no chance and are easily dispatched by the party.    The following day the party finally managed to reach Draconite Pass and saw the giant tower that was the agathions lair. As they approached, they were approached by another adventurer. A centaur known as Akateos, a fighter of great renown. He had also heard of the agathion in Nova Aera and had left to catch up with the party the day prior. The now one man stronger party entered the tower, which seemed to be much bigger on the inside than on the outside. They saw what was left of a huge beautiful landscape, now turned into a craggy wasteland. The rivers had been turned lava and forests had been turned to ash. In the distance they saw some glowing figures.   As they closed in they saw three huge magma elementals. Two of them looked like giant lava bears, whilst the last one looked like a burning giant with an enormous flaming sword. The party charged. A hard fight was fought, but with their combined might, the party managed to defeat the elementals. Akateos picked up the flaming sword which shrunk into a wieldable size in his hands.    After the elemntals were slain the agathion entered the tower and where he stepped life returned to the chamber. The jagged and flaming landscape turned back into a blooming meadow. The draconic celestial thanked them and asked if they had maybe found the cause for their intrusion, which they hadn't. Anyhow, they still wanted their reward. The humble and unmaterialistic celestial from the plane of Nirvana offered them the most precious he had. His eternal gratitude. The party left the Draconite Pass incredibly unsatisfied.
Adventures of Nova Aera and Other One-Shots
10-Level Fighter
Thomas Torkelmad
10-Level Cavalier
Sarai Chezzu
10-Level Druid
10-Level Shifter
Report Date
24 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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