Session 2: Masks and Dinos Report in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Session 2: Masks and Dinos

General Summary

In the tavern the Sleepy Bastard, there were only four people present. The cavalier of the order of the dragon Thomas Torkenmad and his companion the faun hunter Sion, but there were also two unfamiliar faces in the lizardfolk slayer Ska and the human alchemist Curt Tinker. The four decided to do some work together and walked up the noticeboard to find a request put up by count Joxina from the upper district. The count wanted them to find a mask for him in a temple located north of the city. A map was also disclosed in the request. The newly founded party accepted this mission and left the city.   After traveling through the swamps north of Nova Aera for more than a day, the party finally reaches the temple and are faced with their first obstacle. Getting into the temple. The gate was locked and wouldn't budge. Above the gate was an inscription that said: "Only those with unburdened hearts may enter here." The party finally figured out that they had to reveal their deepest, darkest secret. After doing so, the group entered. They were then faced with a series of puzzles leading up to an encounter with the lord of the temple, a barbed devil wearing the mask. The group defeated him and claimed the mask as well as a Gloom Blade and an Amulet of Spell Cunning.   When the party had returned to Nova Aera they took the mask to the estate of Count Joxina to retrieve their reward. After which they returned to the tavern to rest for a bit.   The party later decides to head out on yet another mission and finds one that is handed out by the dwarven trade-mogul Durinsson, who wants to find some adventurers to kill a pack of dinosaurs that have been attacking his caravans. The party accepts and decides to leave through the western gate. The pack has been sighted on the hilly grasslands west of the jungle that covers the western part of the city. Thus they decide to head in that direction. On the narrow paths of the jungle, they find three-toed tracks leading towards the grasslands.   After some time following the paths into the jungle, they are forced to make camp. During the night Thomas kept watch and was attacked by a panther that was alerted to their location after Sions attempt to hide their encampment went horribly wrong. Thomas however easily cleaved the panther in half.   The next day the party the jungle became denser. They then find a scroll written in sylvan that told them that they were now in the author's domain and urged them to prove themselves worthy. Some time later they are faced with a ten-meter wide crevice. Next to it were a golden sword, an axe, and a small flower. There was no bridge, but a sign that said that the easiest path required the smallest sacrifice. Eventually, they solved the puzzle by tossing the flower in the crevice. After some more walking, they encounter a giant bull as well as the author of the scroll, a satyr. After befriending him they finally make it through the jungle and into the hilly grasslands.   The group traveled into the grasslands along the main road until they found a caravan under attack from a pack of three huge tyrannosauri. The party charged into battle with these beasts. After some swinging, striking and bombs the group prevailed. The party took one of the skulls with them and returned to Nova Aera to get paid before returning with the skull to the Sleepy Bastard for some well-deserved respite.

Rewards Granted

Temple Raid:
  • Gloom Blade
  • Amulet of Spell Cunning
  • 1000 gold
Dinosaur Hunt
  • Belt of Giants Strenght +4
  • Lance
  • 1000 gold
Adventures of Nova Aera and Other One-Shots
Thomas Torkelmad
10-Level Cavalier
10-Level Slayer
Report Date
31 Jul 2018
Primary Location


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