Session 11: Power of a Few Report in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Session 11: Power of a Few

General Summary

Upon meeting a vampire flanked by three dwarves, who appeared to be guards from Crackstone, in the smithy known as the Hammer and Maul, the party instantly became weary. The vampire greeted them and without introducing himself recognised them as his rivals, noting that they stole the something from him in Brandenheim. When the party tried to deny, he raised his wand and commanded Úshrir to tell the truth, and he complied. He was then ordered to retrieve it. A fight broke out and Jerrycoy summonued a beam of radiant moonlight upon the vampire, severly burning him. Feeling threatened, the undead turned into mist and fled.    Without the vampire to keep up the control over the dwarves in the room, they one by one woke up from the mindcontrol. It turned out that the dwarves indeed were from Crackstone. As they searched the building for the vampire, where Jerrycoy searched the perimeter of the building, still in the shape of a dire wolf which caused a bit of panic. The rest managed to find a drain in the floor leading down to the sewers. Soon thereafter the town guards showed up to investigate, and with the darves testimony, they beleived the party's claim of a vampire prowling about. They also found out that the blacksmith had gone missing since the vampire arrived.    They then went to meet the enchanter Anthony Graham to confront him about his previous client. He expressed that he did not know about the smiths disapperance, which seemed sincere. The party took his word for it and spent the next five days investigating. They talked to the count, researched the library, made potions, prowled the sahdy parts of town, and even talked to the lycanthropes prowling around the city. In the end they found out that the forest is very poorly mapped and maps of its rich contents are rare and expensive. The vampire had apparently gotten his hands on one that displayed the location of an ancient temple. They managed to get one from the count that allowed them to find the same temple, with a werewolf promising to guide them.    After these five days, they got their weapons from the enchanter. Úshrir got his hammer, now magical, and named it Wraithbreaker. Thomas, who got his shard enhanced pistol back, was told it was now an insanly powerful artefact that will take time to master. Its name was Judgement. On the sixth day, they left for the temple, hoping to find a shard.
Shards of Power
Pander Pimpos Flintfellow
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Jerrycoy Lefouj
Thomas Gaston
Report Date
04 Aug 2023
Primary Location


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