Nuvenass Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Count Nuve

Turning a new leaf

Nuvenass, or Count Nuve, is one of the richest men in Nova Aera. How he acquired his riches however is a mystery. Considered to be among the most powerful men in all of Nova Aera, no one knows where he is from. What people do not know is that Count Nuve is actually a Green Dragon who has managed to shed his evil nature. He moved to Nova Aera after being driven out of his lair by greedy adventurers who constantly entered his forest in search of wealth and glory. In Nova Aera, he has created a new lair where he hides his hoard under his large house.  

Unwanted intruders

Not too long ago, Nuvenass secret nature was discovered by a lizardfolk druid. This druid found it out through some of Nuvenass's former servants, a couple of kobolds who felt betrayed by their master's disappearance. Together they managed to force Count Nuve to retreat from his lair and seek out the help of adventurers in an attempt to reclaim his home and hopefully keep his nature a secret. In the end, the druid disclosed Nuvenass's true nature to the adventurers who still chose to help him. After killing the intruders Nuvenass rewarded these adventurers and payed extra in exchange for their silence in the hopes that he wouldn't have to kill them. In doing so he also happened to make a new ally among the adventurers.

The Count with a secret

Character Location
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Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Count Nuve
Year of Birth
1475 2229 Years old
Current Residence
Upper District, Nova Aera
Deep Green
None/Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
20' / 6'1''
6,5 tonnes/143lbs


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