Loxodon Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Loxodons are a race of elephant humanoids. They are known as formidable warriors - they're tough as tanks, surprisingly quick on their feet, and tireless in battle. Loxodons' beliefs are straightforward, earnest and, above all, unswerving.


Loxodons have the appearance of bipedal elephants, with thick skin ranging from grey to light brown. They have large flapping ears and a long trunk. The males sport impressive tusks that can be used to gore those unfortunate enough to anger them. They usually grow to be over 7 feet tall and can weigh over 400 lbs. The elephantine loxodons are tough as tanks, tireless as machines, and headstrong as boulders. They are irrepressibly confident, seeing almost every event in their lives either as positive or as a challenging opportunity to prove their mettle.


The world is a simple place to a loxodon. They speak in casual absolutes - right and wrong, virtue and depravity - leading some to wonder whether the loxodon mind can even perceive subtle shades of grey. Debate with a loxodon therefore borders on uselessness: their minds are made up quickly, and no amount of discussion will alter their path; and they will bring their full bulk and prowess in combat to uphold even a newly formed opinion. Matters of loxodon rules and religion, known collectively as the Modest Truth, are passed from generation to generation, and accepted with seemingly little deliberation.   Despite their unwavering reliability, loxodons have elaborate measures of punishment for those who break the rules. First a ranking soldier or cleric dispenses a physical assault, overwhelming the violator with bodily pain; then a cleric or confessor hears the penitent's admission of guilt. This process works well among loxodons, ensuring a strict form of justice and guaranteeing consent on the Modest Truth, but other races often consider it barbaric or cruel.   Loxodons resolve most problems with physical might, but when the need for spellcraft arises, their magic is direct, unambiguous, and crushingly forceful. Their wizards and clerics dispense justice unapologetically and with overwhelming power, scouring the plane of any who are deemed evil, summoning enormous avatars of law and retribution, resurrecting entire armies from the dead. What loxodons lack in trickery, they make up for in raw strength.


Type: Humanoid (Loxodon)   Adjective: Loxodon   Age: Up to 95 years old   Height: 7ft 6in.   Weight: 400lbs


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