Jon Jonson Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Jon Jonson

The Horse-trader

Jon was born to a human mother who was very sickly. For the majority of his life, he had to care for his mother and provide for her. When he turned 15 his mother let him take the horse to the market in order to buy supplies for winter. When he arrived he was approached by a horse merchant who wanted to buy his horse. Reluctantly he agreed and after the transaction, Jon continued to the market to finish his errands. When he passed the horse trader again he saw that his horse was now for sale for double the prize that he had sold it for. It was then that Jon decided to become a horse trader to be able to care for his mother. The following day he returned to the horse trader and asked to become his apprentice. After some convincing, he managed to get a job as the traders stable boy. Thus Jon started his career that would help him care for his mother until the day that she passed away from old age.   To process the loss of his mother, Jon moved to Nova Aera. He chose to go here to get away from the prejudice aimed towards dhampirs. Here he opened a trading post by the western gate of the city. There he buys and sells horses as well as carts and wagons to travelers and adventurers. He is considered to be the most foremost horse trader in all of Nova Aera and can, according to himself, sell a donkey to a cavelier looking for a warhorse.

The citys best horse salesman

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Year of Birth
3587 117 Years old
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
160 lbs


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