Drakishk Sharpspear Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Drakishk Sharpspear

Captian of the City Guard

Drakishk, a lizardfolk of unusual size, grew up with his tribe in the swamps north of Nova Aera. Because of his size, he managed to become the strongest warrior in his clan. As the lead warrior, he managed to gain a lot of rivals. One day when Drakishk had left to hunt, a few of the other warriors in the village ambushed him and left him for dead in the swamp. Drakishk survived and left the clan behind. He made his way to Nova Aera.   There he made a new life for himself by joining the city guard. When he did he was asked about his last name. Not understanding the concept of last names he instead said the name of his clan, Sharpspear. Due to his size, he managed to climb the ranks quickly and eventually became captain of the city guard. His cold, calculating and reptilian mind makes him a great captain. He is just, planning and has created a great relationship with all the adventurers of Nova Aera. Under his command, the astronomical crime rate was cut in half and the city has managed to repel several large scale threats to the city. Among them the great cyclops army in 3699 AM.

Captain of the Nova Aera city guard

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Year of Birth
3647 57 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Beige, Dark Red


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