Djinn Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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The djinn are genies from the Elemental Plane of Air.


Djinn resemble extremely tall (averaging ten and a half feet in height) human men and women, well-muscled and physically fit. Their features are aristocratic and considered attractive by human standards. Their skin tone range from pale blue to a more common olive-brown or dark tan characteristic of Yelanidians.


Djinn are said to be made of the stuff of clouds and possess the strength of storms. They can procreate with humans, producing sylph offspring. About one per cent of the total djinn population are classed as noble djinn, who are often called viziers. A noble djinni can grant three wishes to any non-genie being who captures it. Noble djinn perform no other services and, upon granting the third wish, are free of their servitude. Noble djinn are stronger than normal djinn, typically as as strong as an efreeti. Their wishes are often granted in a flashy way, to the detriment of quality.


Djinn are carefree, scholarly, mercantile beings, who welcome new experiences and enjoy learning from others. Despite their openness, like all genies, djinn are quick to patronise non-genies and remind others that they are the masters of the Plane of Air since time immemorial, which has earned them a reputation of being insufferable. Their sprawling libraries and museums are full of knowledge and treasure from the entire cosmos of the Twisted Realms, but the condescending djinn only allow their kind and geniekin open access to the libraries without having to contribute something.   Djinn are usually friendly with marids, jann, and many of the Plane of Air's natives. They often come to blows with dao, whom they consider overly stiff, and are arch-enemies of efreet. The conflict between djinn and efreet is legendary, and it is possible to earn a djinni's service by promising to fight efreet. Djinn disdain physical combat, preferring to use their magical powers and aerial abilities against foes. A djinni overmatched in combat usually takes flight and becomes a whirlwind to harass those who follow. Some speculate that the mysterious metal spheres scattered across the Plane of Air are the prisons or remnants of some long-defeated foe. The djinn refuse to acknowledge these rumours or touch these spheres.


Type: Outsider   CR: 5   Environment: Elemental Plane of Air   Alignment: Chaotic Good   Adjective: Djinni


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