Charon Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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The Horseman of Death

Charon is the Horseman of Death, an ancient and the most powerful archdaemon of Abaddon. He is the lord of the River Styx, and the ferryman for lost souls to the Outer Rifts. Charon is served by his deacons: the thanadaemons, and his ferrymen the Merrenoloths.


Charon's typical form resembles that of a merrenoloth. However, since he is ancient enough to have predated humanoids, it is speculated that this is simply a form he adopted after discarding his original one, or is the mouthpiece for an alien creature below the waters of the Styx. Visitors to his personal domain only feel Charon's looming, oppressive presence inside their mind, seeing nothing physical.


The citadel of Charon is the Drowning Court, which consists of hundreds of floating buildings tethered together, slowly revolving around a massive whirlpool. This whirlpool is both the source of the River Styx and the entrance to Charon's personal, secret domain. The Drowning Court itself is already the biggest of the Four Horsemen's domains, but Charon's reach is extended further by the River Styx, which pushes into the realms of other demigods; unclaimed areas in Abaddon; and parts of Hell, the Abyss, the Maelstrom, and Axis, all while retaining its link to Abaddon.


Charon was one of the four original Horsemen who betrayed their creator, the Altraloths, and is the only original Horsemen who has retained his title since the creation of the first yugoloths. He was responsible for signing the deal with Urgathoa that gave her the realm of Bloodrot in Abaddon.


Charon sees the newer Horsemen as junior colleagues, but once saw Lyutheria, the original Horseman of Famine, as a sister until Trelmarixian deposed and replaced her. He is most concerned with Trelmarixian's erratic behaviour and obsession with his own origins. Charon actively ensures that no one but the Horsemen are aware of any friction or disagreement among them, ensuring that they present a godlike, perfectly unified, and unassailable front to their subjects.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Horseman of Death
  • The Boatman
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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