Boetch Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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A lonesome Treant who tends to the oldest forest in Scaelor. He tends to every living thing in the forest and should anyone threaten his forest friends, they will have to answer to him.  

A predicament

One day when Boetch was wandering his woods, he noticed a sapling growing between two large boulders. Knowing that the boulders will block sunlight from reaching the tiny sapling, as well as pose a threat should they fall over or be pushed, he walks over to move poor thing. He carefully dug it out and lifted the sapling away. He then gently replanted it a few feet away. Content with his work he turned around to walk away, but when stepped between the boulders the ground beneath one of them gave in, pinning him between the two giant rocks. Without being able to move, Boetch had no choice but to wait. Three weeks passed.   Finally, help arrived in the shape of a odd-looking group of adventurers. With the aid of their magic, he managed to get loose. In order to repay them, he shared what he knew about the ruins they were looking for as well as granting them protection in what ways he could.

Warden of the Forest

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Neutral Good
Year of Birth
3372 332 Years old
Light Green
Leaf Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown


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