Axiomites Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Axiomites are creatures of pure law, living incarnations of the Godmind that brought the Eternal City of Axis into existence. They are Axis' first inhabitants, and serve as the lords, caretakers, and architects of the city.  


The true form of axiomites is that of glowing clouds of golden, crystalline dust. The clouds move and contort on their own accord, temporarily congealing into twisting lines of mathematical symbols and complex tangles of equations. Each axiomite is actually an immortal construct of living, intelligent mathematics approximating a humanoid shape.   However, axiomites usually take a variety of outward forms of metallic, idealised, perfect humanoids of all descriptions including humans, elves, tieflings, dwarves, halflings, giants, and gnomes. Non-humanoid axiomites also exist, but are rarely seen and usually stay in the depths of Axis. Their true forms can be seen briefly whenever axiomites move or perform any complex actions.  


Axiomites claim that they are the laws of reality made manifest in order to understand itself. The first axiomites were created from arithmetic dust by the Threefold Pillars of the Axiomite Godmind, before the advent of mortal life. These ancient axiomites are known as hierarchs, and take the most alien forms among their race.   New axiomites, like many outsiders, are created from the souls of mortals that find their way to Axis. When asked, the axiomites claim that this is an adjustment to the changing laws that govern all existence, as demons, devils, and all sorts of other outsiders reproduce using mortal souls, as do the axiomites.   The actual transformation of a soul into an axiomite is a mysterious process. The soul experiences a strong call towards one of the axiomite constructions (axiomites describe this as "the call of the Godmind" or "answering the resonance"). Each of these structures is related to a single class of laws with each construction attracting souls with similar interests. Once a soul reaches one of these axiomites, they touch it, disappearing within for several days; when they emerge, they are an axiomite.  


The only place axiomites call home is the Perfect City of Axis. They rarely leave their home, but some brave axiomites can be found elsewhere either trying to understand some fundamental laws of the Great Beyond, proselytise the value of order, fight chaos, or expand the borders of Axis. The ecology of the axiomites is bizarre and could only exist in the Outer Planes. According to their records, axiomites were the first creatures to inhabit the city of Axis and were manifest from the mathematical laws that underlie all existence.   Outside of Axis, axiomites can be found in the Elemental Planes, Heaven, Hell, the Boneyard, and the domains of lawful deities, keeping embassies and working with fellow researchers. They also maintain a presence at the Spire of Golden Concordance in Nirvana, where they study the agathions' history and methods of cooperation. On the Material Plane, axiomites guide the advancement of lawful cultures.   Axiomites maintain numerous laboratories hidden across the multiverse, where they conduct dangerous research. One of the most notable of such black sites is Liracaenia's Cradle, a demiplane in the Astral Plane.  


The Godmind of Axis

The society of axiomites is surprisingly inwardly focused and divided into three groups, mirroring the Threefold Pillars of Axis: Knowledge, Enforcement, and Administration. The First Pillar focuses on researching the history and laws of the planes beyond Axis and the multiverse itself; the Second Pillar is tasked with building and maintaining the axiomites' servitors, an army of inevitables; the Third Pillar occupies itself with managing Axis and the city's diplomatic relations. Axiomites of the Second Pillar are expansionist, but do this solely due to their wish to regulate the multiverse.   Despite its three separate focuses, axiomite society moves with a single purpose. The entire race is ruled by the Godmind of Axis, which is formally known as the Transcendental Council of the Defined Infinite. Despite its name, the Godmind is not a god or even an entity at all. Rather, it is a composite of the greatest axiomite minds from each of the three focuses of their society. It is not entirely inaccurate to equate the whole axiomite race with the Godmind, and their actions to be the Godmind's.   The Godmind rules Axis as something not quite creator god and not quite hive mind, and, most of the time, it runs in the background of all axiomites' minds. Its most important processes are housed within axiomite hierarchs and primal inevitables, a pantheon of demigods built by the axiomites as their servitors; they parse data even when the the Godmind itself does not manifest.   When necessary, the Godmind physically manifests at the Threefold Pillars as a single super intelligence, taking the form of a star formed from countless eldritch equations. The Godmind calculates the best course of action for the entire race, then splits back into its composite creatures to ensure its decision is carried out. This meeting of the Godmind only occurs when some previous calculation or plan of the Godmind goes awry, or comes to completion, or requires drastic alteration.  


Axiomites maintain strong alliances with archons and devils, and often cooperate with them against proteans and demons. They hold a deep, mutual respect with psychopomps and mercanes.   Axiomites find it hard to interact with other beings, especially mortals. They usually fail to grasp that different circumstances require different solutions, and their methods tend to be blunt, extreme, and lacking in nuance. Their actions are guided by cold pragmatism alone, devoid of any benevolence or malice.   Axiomites operate on a geological timescale. Accustomed to having loyal inevitable servants and reluctant to directly act, they usually hire adventurers as agents, which they see as operating according to their own law. Despite the difficulties of interaction between axiomites and their hirelings, they always follow their bargains to the letter.   Axiomites sometimes discover impossible calculations that are neither true nor false and reveal some terrible realities that lie beyond known creation. Agents of Norgorber often lure them to Duskfathom with the promise of clearing their memories, but these axiomites will only find themselves transformed into graveknights as their despair is exacerbated, their flesh melted away, and their soulstuff twisted into negative energy, leaving behind only a core of hateful mathematics.


Type: Outsider   CR: 8   Environment: Any (Axis)   Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Adjective: Axiomite


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