Alfonso Brigandi Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Alfonso Brigandi

Alfonso Brigandi is an drow man of immense stature. He is an atypical drow, like most who lived in Nova Aera, who had forsaken both the evil ways of his people and their home in the Underdark, to become the legendary hero of the great city. He spent many years, living the life of an adventurer and saving the people of Nova Aera from peril, as well as making a great mess in his wake. But being of elven descent, he eventually outlived his adventuring party. The adventurer's life is also a very tiresome one, having experienced all that life has to offer Alfonso grew a tad bitter. With his trusted companions gone, Alfonso decided that he would settle down. He found himself a wife and bought a tavern in the southern parts of the city. This tavern was named by his wife, who had Alfonso in mind, the Sleepy Bastard, and is now a sprawling hub for adventurers to live and find work.   Despite his gruff demeanor, he would gladly give his life for any one of his regular patrons. He makes a note of asking and remembering the name of anyone who enters his tavern

Former Adventurer, current Innkeeper

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Year of Birth
3287 417 Years old
Ashen White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ash Grey
180 lbs
Ruled Locations


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