Aarakocra Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Aarakocra, also called bird-men or yamabushi tengu, is an extremely rare race of avian humanoids.


Aarakocra resembles humanoid birds. The average specimen stands about 5 feet tall and have a wingspan of 20 feet. Halfway along the edge of each wing is a hand with three human-sized fingers and an opposable thumb. An elongated fourth finger extended the length of the wing and locked in place during flight. The hands could not grasp while flying, but they were nearly as useful as human hands when an aarakocra was perched and its wings were folded back. These wings can also be disconnected from the armies and work separately, from them.


The origins of this rare species is a great mystery. There is no real population of aarakocra but rather just individual specimens that can foster offspring but seldom do, due to their rarity. There is a theory that the aarakocra is merely a mutated variant of the tengu race. But this has never been proven. However, due to their similarities, it is hard to deny any form of connection between the two.


Type: Humanoid   Adjective: Aarakocra   Age: Up to 30 years old   Height: 5ft.   Weight: 70lbs


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