Inyarel Geographic Location in The Tranquil Expanse | World Anvil
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Inyarel is a small speck of land in the middle of the southern portion of The Tranquil Expanse. The land is speckled with lakes, rivers, forests, and mountains. The people of Inyarel believe their land is the only one as no one has come from other parts of the world and none dare to travel into Gloomwood Forest, the Celestial Mountains, or Cinder Hills. Those that left long ago were never seen or heard from again and are thought to have perished.


As the Orchid season snows melt at the tops of mountains, the water runs down into the lands below, forming streams that turn into rivers. Most of these rivers congregate into the Sea of Ikos, a salty lake in the middle of the country. One river flows south from the Sea of Ikos, and returns to freshwater by the time it reaches its destination in the Baste Lake, providing the nearby towns with freshwater.

In the northwest, the Celestial Mountains and Celestial Forest kiss the stars every night when viewed from Mileah, the city in their shadows. In the northeast, Cinder Hills provides the most amazing sunsets by appearing to be on fire and sending streaks of red, orange,, and yellow screaming across the sky. These sunsets are best viewed from Edoburn.

Fauna & Flora

Animals that can be found in Inyarel include the Bizing Deer, the False Angelfish, the Greywolf Hound, the Grizzly Prairedog, the Kinkajoo Stallion, the Polar Addax, the Quetzal Jackal, the Ram Borer, the Silver-tailed Darter, the Wisteria Quail, and the Xanadu Cassowary.

There are four types of plants that can be found in Inyarel. These are Agricultural, Herbs and Spices, Medicinal Herbs and Spices, and Trees.

Natural Resources

The people of Inyarel get wood from the forests, grains from fields, wool for clothes from the Polar Addax, stones and gems from the mountains, water from the rivers, herbs and spices from fields and grasslands. In addition, the elves of Gulonde have discovered a way to turn the salty water from the Sea of Ikos into fresh drinking water, allowing them to obtain salt for their meals.


No one knows when the country formed or who was the first to discover Inyarel, but it has always been home to elves and humans alike. In 35 World Peace (WP), the elves of Dragon's Veil and the humans of Tebury began bonding with each other, creating the Tebury Hybrids. In 486, the World Peace era ended (turning into End of World Peace - EWP) due to invasions of humans from locations unknown to the Inyarel natives. Since then, the country has been in a state of civil war with more elves dying every year. Currently, only 500 elves remain in all of Inyarel and fiercely defend the last of their great cities, Gulonde.


  • Inyarel
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