America Chavez <WIP> Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

America Chavez <WIP>

America Chavez

America Chavez is a metahuman hero from a parallel dimension known as the Utopian Parallel.

When she was a teenager, her mothers were chosen by the Beyonder, and forced to participate in one of his murderous tornaments. When the Beyonder left the Utopian Parallel, Chavez used her ability to create dimensional portals (known as star portals because of their shape) to follow him.

She eventually found herself in this dimension, where she joined forces with the Chosen Heroes from Earth to kill the Beyonder and put a stop to his bloodsport.

Chavez was not able to take part in the final battle against the Beyonder, as in order to make in vulnerable she had to take Eden Fesi to a parellel dimension.

Following the defeat of the Beyonder, she and Bucky Barnes set out on a journey through the multiverse to find and rescue Steve Rogers, who had been transported to an unknown parallel dimension by Michael Korvac.

After successfully rescuing Rogers, she chose to leave this dimension and continue her travels.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Chavez has a number of superhuman abilities, including Self-Propelled Flight, Super-Human Speed, invulnerability to most physical harm, Super-Human Strength, and the ability to create Portals between any two places, including between dimensions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Chavez was born in the Utopian Parallel's version of the United States of America, the daughter of two of the dimension's greatest heroes, Amalia and Elena Chavez.

When she was 15, the Beyonder arrived in her home dimension. He kidnapped eight of the world's superheroes, including both of America's mothers, trapping them on a remove planet and forcing them to fight one another, both for their amusement, and because harnessing the energy generated by their deaths was how they sustained themself.

Using her portals, America was eventually able to track down the kidnapped heroes, but not in time to save the lives of her mothers.

Quest for Revenge

Chavez swore revenge on the Beyonder, and when they left the Utopian Parallel in search of new heroes to kill, she followed them.

Eventually she located them in this dimension, where they had kidnapped nine heroes and was repeating the process they had followed in her home dimension, forcng the heroes to fight one another.

Chavez attempted to physically fight the Beyonder, but found that she was unable to hurt them. The Beyonder responded by trapping her on Battleworld, making her the tenth hero in their contest.

Working together, Chavez and the heroes were able to discover that Eden Fesi was the secret to the Beyonder's presence, acting as a dimensional anchor. Although she did not want to give up her change at revenge, Chavez agreed to take Fessi out of the dimension in order to make the Beyonder vulnerable and allow Lin Lie to use the Ebony Blade to kill them.

The Search for Steve Rogers

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Section under construction

Gender Identity



Date of Birth
4th July 1998
Year of Birth
1998 CE 20 Years old
The Utopian Parallel
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Spanish (native), English (fluent)