The Great Wizard Rudolphus Character in The Threefold Kingdoms | World Anvil
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The Great Wizard Rudolphus

The Great Wizard Rudolphus "Rudy" Wiggins

A lonely wizard in unusual clothes, living in a hidden tower in the Greysalt Wastes. He lives alone, with only his crab apprentice and occasional traders for company. He rarely leaves the Tower in the Wastes, leaving his assistant to facilitate trade with the villagers. Rudolphus was born Rudy R. Wiggins in Hackensack, New Jersey in 1953. As a young man, he was whisked into the past. Ever since, it has been his driving mission to return home.

Physical Description

Body Features

Clean-shaven with fluffy greying blond hair. It's collar-length.

Special abilities

Knows transmutation magic, but very little for combat. He relies on his reputation and connection to The Consortium to stay out of danger most of the time.

Apparel & Accessories

Heeled brown-leather boots. Garish trousers, flared at the base but tight fitting around his thighs and waist, made out of a slick green and orange plaid fabric. A jacket made of the same garish material. A red, tight-fitting shirt tucked in at the waist behind a thick belt, and with a collar that rises to his chin. Claire recognized it as a plaid polyester leisure suit paired with a turtleneck.

Specialized Equipment

Rudy's tiny chest contains dust from Autunite crystals, a few papers about advanced interplanar theory, and a letter from The Greenlake Wizard requesting another shipment in two weeks.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Male, he/him


He has a dog-eared sci-fi paperback on his desk featuring a spaceman in a tight suit holding a swooning purple-skinned alien woman amid the wreckage of a burning chrome city. It is titled "The Man from Earth" by M. M. Vaughn and had a publishing date of 1972. It's titillating, but not smut.


Well-educated in nuclear physics with a minor in geology. He graduated early, at the top of his class at Georgetown University in 1973.


He had a promising job offer at the Pentagon, but he came to the Past and found himself in the position of having to become a wizard.

Failures & Embarrassments

After getting plastered at a graduation party at Georgetown, he awoke in the past with no knowledge of how he got there and found a bugbear rifling through his belongings.

Morality & Philosophy

He views the citizens of the past as superstitious, less valuable, and easily tricked. As a result, he set himself up as their superior: a powerful wizard (he was magical in his own time but didn’t hone these abilities until forced to). He struck a deal with the villagers of Steepwick: Autunite crystals in exchange for his service as their protector by appointing himself as the wizard-in-charge of their region. He knows that the Autunite is carcinogenic, and takes care (a lead suit, a lead-lined storage chamber for the crystals in his tower cellar) to protect himself from the radiation, but doesn't stop the villagers from mining it. Though he views them with disdain and considers any of their deaths a necessary evil, he isn’t especially cruel to them and feels at least a degree of guilt at their suffering. In order to make himself feel better, he brews up medicines from his own time as he can remember them: burn creams (Soothing Salve), pain medication (Potion of Relief), and anti-nausea medication (Steadying Pastilles). These keep the villagers mostly satisfied that the wizard is upholding his end of the bargain, and allows them to somewhat “power through” the symptoms of Acute Radiation Poisoning (Cave Sickness) and allow those dying of Wasting Plague to continue on with their lives for a little longer and ultimately die more peacefully. He sees himself as somewhat benevolent for this.

Personality Characteristics


To return home and achieve the life for himself he knew he always deserved.


Contacts & Relations

Rudy is linked with The Consortium with whom he trades resources and research.
He has traded Autunite for research papers with an individual called The Greenlake Wizard.

Family Ties

His father ran a gas station in Hackensack.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a familiar: Crabby, the fiendish blue coconut crab.


He speaks in a New Jersey accent.

Wealth & Financial state

He lived in a ruined tower he had mostly spruced up, and spent whatever gold he earned in trade with other wizards in the network.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Great Wizard Rudolphus of the Greysalt Wastes
1953 ☉ 1298 ☉ -655 years old
Circumstances of Death
Current Residence
Blue, wrinkled at the corners
Blond, fluffy, and greying
Average height
Average weight
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What was I supposed to do? Make a life here?"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Elvish, Abyssal

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