Autunite Item in The Threefold Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Autunite Crystals are yellowish-green with a flat, square crystal structure. They are slightly fluorescent in low light. They are somewhat fragile, and can chip or crumble when rough handled too much. They are found in large numbers in the copper mines in Steepwick.
After researching the crystals and (secretly) exhuming the bodies of dead plague victims, Claire Blackwell determined that Autunite Crystals are radioactive and causing radiation sickness and cancers among the villagers.
Rudolphus has been engaged in some kind of trade using the mineral with at least one member of the secretive group The Consortium, who goes by the name The Greenlake Wizard.
A small sample was found in Einri Skyminer's apothecary shop in Redcrest. How it got there is still unknown.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Can be refined to become a powerful source of energy. Also a potentially deadly poison.

Manufacturing process

Naturally occurring.


Typically considered worthless, but The Great Wizard Rudolphus finds them to be almost priceless.
Item type
Raw Material
Related Technologies
Related Condition
Fairly common.

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