Einri Skyminer Character in The Threefold Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Einri Skyminer

Proprietor of The Glass Flask apothecary shop in Little Nalhadur. She makes and sells poisons illegally out of her shop, and admitted to selling Mother's Milk to Carina Cummings, who used it to kill her husband Councilor Lyle Cummings. Carina then planted a second dose inside Graldir Firebeard's shop to frame him, leading to Graldir's imprisonment. Einri found herself in an impossible position where reporting Carina would have also implicated herself for a capital crime. Eventually, she confessed to Tor Stormpeak and sought his help, and the priest introduced her to the party of adventurers.
Einri was last seen apparently packing up to leave town with two ponies hitched outside her shop.
Coalclaw found a sample of Autunite in the hidden lab in the Glass Flask's basement.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Young for a dwarf, barely an adult.


Contacts & Relations

Seemingly close with a suspicious dark-haired dwarven woman, and has been seen in proximity with the calico cat.

Family Ties

She inherited the family business at a very young age.
Year of Birth
1238 ☉ 60 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in Redcrest during the early days of the occupation.
Current Residence
Blond, curly, and worn unbraided. Has a short beard.

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