Calico Cat Character in The Threefold Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Calico Cat

(a.k.a. Moon Cat)

A calico cat, present more frequently than is comfortable and able to vanish in an instant.
Has been seen around the Redcrest Bedlam and in the Temple of Dumathuin (Redcrest), the latter in the company of Einri Skyminer and her dark-haired companion.
The calico cat in particular has been a source of vexation for Coalclaw, as it has clawed him, watched him during his escape from the Bedlam, vanished from the inside of his bag, and then never showed up again. An acolyte child inside the temple informed Coal that the cat is called Moon Cat and lives at The Glass Flask apothecary in Little Nalhadur.
Current Location
Bright blue.
Mostly white with patches of brown and black.

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