Zorg Industries Organization in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Zorg Industries

Zorg Industries Legal & Weapons market sector Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg is Zorg Industries. He is the founder and CEO of Zorg Industries. He’s better than you, and he’s going to make sure that you know it. Yet as arrogant and bombastic as he is, he is overflowing with charisma. He is the life of the party, even if there isn’t a party at the moment. An afternoon with the man can feel like a decade long bender, and most will walk away wanting more. It should also come at no surprise that he is one of the most hated men in the known universe. He can count dozens of archdukes, top military brass, and fellow CEOs that amongst his close personal friends and allies – and just as many that he has driven to such fits of rage that they’ve publicly demanded his execution. Mr. Zorg follows a simple philosophy in business “give the people what they want, and they will give you every credit they’ve got”. The crux of the matter is he follows that notion to the very end. That end is pocket nukes. People want them. Zorg Industries makes them. Zorg Industries sells them. It is not his problem how they are used. As an unapparelled trial lawyer, he has proven that fact innumerably in court personally. A sizeable force of his law firm is permanently dedicated to fighting lawsuits related to Zorg Industries’ production and sale of pocket nukes. As hideously expensive as perpetual lawfare is, the revenue generated by anti-SLAPP suits actually turns between 5-10% of Zorg Industries profits annually. How Mr. Zorg managed to get the production and sale of goods to be considered speech is taught universities across the known universe and is the subject of intense admiration and jealousy amongst lawyers. This controversy surrounding pocket nukes has made certain aspects of business challenging. On a matter of principal, Mr. Zorg refuses to own any real estate or have any manufacturing or sales occur on any planet that bans the production or sale of pocket nukes. Even if the world would allow the company to perform other corporate actions there. Many worlds refuse to allow goods to be transported through their systems to Zorg Industries, and will attempt to set up blockades and manifest checks for any cargo entering their systems. Mr. Zorg regularly points out that he is wildly hated man that sells pocket nukes to everyone, even people that hate him. “No one has nuked me or my property yet, and there is a lot of people that would sure love to. I know that. You know that. It’s a fact. Yet no one does, why not? I’ll tell you why. I’ve got a lot, I mean, A Lot of nukes. More than you. You nuke me and you can be damn sure that I’ll nuke you right back and then some. It’s not just me either. I’ve friends with nukes. They’ve got friends with nukes too. I’ve got a little old lady that lives in the mansion next door to mine, and she sleeps with a nuke under her bed. Why does she do that? That’s not my problem. When any given grandma can roast you and everything around you in a five-mile radius, it makes you think twice. You’ll notice that all the nukings happen where you’re not allowed to own them. Besides the military loves them. They can’t get enough of my nukes. But if you want to try your luck – go for it. Take me to court and try and stop me. I was thinking of buying another yacht anyway.” – Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg   Zorg Industries does its principal business building turrets, artillery, vehicle, ship, and capitol ship weaponry for militaries. It utterly nondiscriminatory in who they sell to. If a client has the credits, the deal is set. There is an extended waiting list for pocket nukes however. Depending on supply, it can take between a few months to a few years to fill an order for pocket nukes. Another popular product is the combi weapon. Essentially, these are two weapons that are engineered into the same platform (Popular examples include the Rocket launcher shotgun, laser pistol rapier, or the double gauss pistol). For the price of both weapons plus an extra 25%, Zorg Industries will make it. These weapons are cumbersome and are considered bulky. If one or more of the weapons were considered bulky before the mod, then it imposes a -1 DM for each bulky weapon in the profile (Adding Gyrostabilizers does not remover this DM). The Combi Weapon weights 75% the weight of both weapons put together. Zorg Industries most infamous combi weapon is the Unmakyr they produce for UAC security officers. Last but certainly not least, Zorg Industries provides legal representation. Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg made his money as a lawyer, and his skills as a lawyer are the only thing keeping him alive – despite his numerous claims about pocket nukes and mutually assure destruction. His law firm is universally renowned. They snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in cases that seemed to be slam dunks for the prosecution on a near daily basis. But with great capability, comes great expense. All but the wealthiest individuals can stave off bankruptcy following representation from the legendary law firm of Zorg Industries.   Zorg Industries Sells:
  • Weapons (Slug thrower, energy, heavy, grenade, explosive), Combi Weapons, vehicle weapons, ship weapons.
Zorg Industries Buys:
  • Refined materials.
Services Provided:
  • Legal representation.
Work Provided:
  • Zorg Industries will contract crews deliver refined materials to factories under sanction.


“give the people what they want, and they will give you every credit they’ve got”.
Founding Date
1070 3I
Corporation, Conglomerate
Leader Title


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