Session 6: What on Twix did we Find???? Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 6: What on Twix did we Find???? Report

General Summary

The crew of the CSS Rising Shadow on their first mission on the Harrier class raider ship are dispatched out to answer a mayday communication sent out when a Far trader and a unknown unregistered ship arrived into the system from jump space. Unfortuanlly Rudoff punched in the wrong coordinates as his math was off on his astrogation. Instead to taking four hours to arrive it took the crew six hours to arrive. Once there they were contacted by the DSS Dragon Claw contacted the Rising Shadow to update the situation. They need assistance in scanning for life sign's. As the Rising Shadow scanned the area they picked up seven bodies in vacc suits floating in space. Two of the seven still had life signs, but were on low on oxygen and need to be rescored right away. The ship was Corsair that had been badly damaged by something. There was a huge hole in the hull of the ship. Cortana warns the crew that the ship is wanted in many systems for pricey. The crew themselves had bounties on their heads. Cortana also informed the crew that two life pods are missing. There is no signs of the CSS Minow or its crew. As further investigations go on it is discovered that the planet near the incident is listed as a dead planet with no life on it. Cortana who now has access to the history of Drinax discovers that a Far Trader CSS Shenanigans landed on the planet 167 days ago. The captains logs have been dacked preventing the crew with any information on the planet. Scans also show that the debris in this area also show that there was another battle here involving the imperial cruiser that is at the secret port on Drinax. The crew picked up the seven pirates and interrogated one of the pirates before putting him low birth. They learned that a ship that seemed to come out of nowhere attacked the Corsair after they took out the engines of CSS Minow. This ship showed up as the shadow on the scanners and took out there ship. The captain and a assassin escaped on life pods and followed the CSS Minow to the dead planet. The pirate was scared to death of this ship called the Shadow. Captain Bird Lehrer then gave orders to go to the planet. As they flew into the atmosphere of the planet they discovered that a water bubble that was not detected on scanners was protecting the planet. Once through the bubble it was discovered that the planet had a earth like atmosphere with at tempature of 70 degrees. The planet was lush with vegetation and a large brown river that seem to run throughout the planet. There is only one large continent on the planet. A distress singal was picked up coming from the CSS Minow. The captain headed towards the signal finding a damaged far trader that had crash landed badly damaging the ship. Sensors picked up that the crash site showed signs of another ship that had landed at this same spot, but it was old. Life pods were also seen as the Rising Shadow got near the landing area. Once they landed the Captain and XO came up with a plan to separate with a ground team led by the XO and The captain with air support to hover the area. As the ship took of for the air support they hit a large brown eagle killing it this piqued the interest of Rudolf. This eagle was made out of chocolate. As the crew worked together they discovered that the ship was empty. Blood was found on the ship and based on the what they did discover that the crew was an all-female crew. Further investigation of the ground crew found out that horses had been in the area and near the ship. The life pods at the landing sight and makeshift camp was from the Iss Dragon Fly the cruiser at Drinax. They discovered that the brown river was made of Chocolate. On the other side of the river was the life pods of CSS Blind Wolf. The trail heading east. The crew on the ship discovered that there was a main road near the hidden camp site. This road went north and south. Once the ground crew got to the road it was discovered that it was a well-used road and the main mode of transportation was horses and buggies. As the sun started to set in the west they were able to pick up a town 5 miles north of the campsite. Then it was decided to recon the town with ground crew while the captain landed the ship shutting down all lights and using minimum power to hide the ship. The ground crew discovered that the town was called Dodge city. it seemed that the town was a low tec city with only lamps being used to light the city. Oswald used his brand new robot to-do a recon check on the city that did not work out as a flock of chocolate Canadian geese struck his robot doing extensive damage with crash landing in the middle of Dodge city. Meanwhile Rudolf wanting so bad to look for this dead eagle runs of the ship as soon as it is landed and went looking for the eagle in the dark only to find it mostly eaten when he hears a growl.

Rewards Granted

Seven wanted Priates $9000.00 Cr per pirate.

Character(s) interacted with

Lord Wrax
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Vitruvious Galen
Vitruvious Galen, 50, Human (Cyborg) from TBD
Uz Khoun
Ferus Blackclaw
Ferus Blackclaw, 32, Aslan from Ohaualr
Oswald Smith
Ronin Outinhenter
Report Date
03 May 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters


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