Session 4 Decisions to Made part II Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 4 Decisions to Made part II Report

General Summary

The Crew of the Shenanigan's getting there ship air born before the crater that they were on disappearing underneath them a stream of lava could be seen going in a westerly direction. Vladimir sent communications to the Walston Government on the information he had gathered on his computers with the surveillance probes. As they were flying away Minster Greener asked them to continue to monitor the mountain while the government work on evacuations plans. Valadimir sending using the probes to monitor the mountain and lava flow was slowing down. Mayors of The city of Salbarii also was asking for information. The mayor was concerned for her citizens. Dictator Masterson also come on the main communication tower asking the crew to assist in any way possible to help the Citizens.  Jean Paul Pierre using experience behind the helm flew the Shenanigans with great skill. Another Distress call came from the town of Barvinn asking for assistance.  There is a group of citizens that did not make it to the submarine that was helping evacuations and missed the last train.  Once again the leadership asked the crew of the Shenanigan's to assist in this endeavor because there was no way they could be reached. Once again the skills of Jean Pierre come through as he lands Shenanigan's with killing anyone.  As the Shenanigan's landed Valdimir giving a new report form his computer as half of his probes were wiped out as the mountain exploded sending chunks of the mountain everywhere. Hot ash deadly gas and smoke and a fast moving lava stream was heading straight for them.  Valdimir said they had five minutes to get the citizens of Barvinn on board and air borne before all this was going to hit the town and wipe it out. The security team kicked into action getting people on aboard as fast as possible including a red headed doctor who was carrying a child and wanting to know where they sick bay was. She was asking the one of the security team to grab the old man who was on a stretcher as well. Jean Pierre over the ships intercom announced that all needed to strap in as soon as possible and brace for impact as sensors were picking up on missiles coming towards the Shenanigan's. Domic and Soriluss securing passenger's and getting the door closed. Juan Pierre hit the thruster and tried to get the ship airborne when the shenanigan's was hit by the concussion and debris and gas of the eruption causing the Shenanigan's to spin out of control towards the ocean. This spin was to much for the power plant to handle as well considering that it was not on line for very long after being shut down for four months. While Valdimir went to work on the computer to get the power back on while Jean Pierre was doing his best to get contol of the out of control spinning ship. Mean while the refugees that were strapped in went flying in the cargo bay. As Jean Pierre was doing the best he could to control the spinning ship with no power to the engines hit the ocean like a flat rock skipping across a lake when Valdimir got the power on and Jean Pierre hitting the thrusters and got the ship airborne with out to much damage. Arriving at the Starport city the new Doctor, Scarlett Cannon, offered captain Denniston and Elliot Trent medical care for there broken legs. This meant staying another 24 hours of Walston for them to get fixed. Jean Pierre and Soriluss went to Central lake to do some Carousing scoring at the black jack table each coming away with some extra credits. The next morning Valdimir discoverd that Lunk Thunderchin has escaped three week prior from prison. Relaying this to the XO actions were put into place so that as soon as the Captain and Elliot were back on board they were getting out of Walston. Jean Pierre was able to secure 60 tons of freight and ten passengers that wanted passage to Walston. The Dictator payed each play member of the crew 5,000 credits and all repairs to the ship and fuel was on them.  Jean Pierre asked to be a diplomat for the Dictator to spread his fame and generosity through out the Imperium. Picking up the captain and Trent Soriluss getting his new wolf from the vet headed back to the Starport City and was air born around midnight heading back the same flight pattern they came here on. As they were on their way out of orbit they encounted a space Yacht that wanted to know why they were flying his ship. The rogue crew of the Shenanigan's had returned with parts to fix there ship.  The Yacht tried to ram the Shenanigan's hoping to send it back to the planet of Walston. Jean Pierre easily avoided the attempt and left the atmosphere of Walston.  Validimir putting in Jump Drive coordinates and headed to the planet of 567-908. Captain Denniston hired Dr. Scarlett Cannon.

Rewards Granted

60 Tons of Fresh lobster and vegetables not tainted by the ash. Ten High passage passenger's Jean Pierre is awarded the title of Diplomat on Walston.

Missions/Quests Completed

Crew officially gains the controls of the Shenanigan's  Successfully rescues citizens gaining an ally

Character(s) interacted with

Minster Allen Greener Lunk Thunderchin Doctor Scarlett Cannon Dictator Masterson
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Uz Khoun
Report Date
06 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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