Session 19 CSS Shenanigans. Meeting the King of Drinax. Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 19 CSS Shenanigans. Meeting the King of Drinax. Report

General Summary

The crew of the CSS Shenanigan's reached their ship around 24:00 hours with five of the Seven crew members of the ISS Dragon Fly. Two crew members unfortunately were to badly injured in the attack of the ISS Dragon Fly. The new hired ship mechanic assisted by Vlad and his new repair drones got the ship in flying shape again. Captain Denniston after securing the five members in the cargo gave orders to leave the planet. With much better results Jean Paul easily glided through the water protection bubble protecting the planet. Reaching the Dragon fly where between Jean Paul, Uz-Khoun, and Vlad hooked up a cable and towed the badly damaged with them to the planet of Drinax. Arriving on Drinax they crew looked upon a planet that had been totally devastated by war and the lasting results. Sensor scans did pick up some life forms on the planet, but the crew knew this is not what they were looking for.  Taking there time to maneuver around the planet they picked up on a huge floating palace. Heading towards the palace they reached out to get permission to dock. After getting instructions where to dock the crew past a set of docks that looked completely empty. Arriving at assigned dock a shuttle arrived to lock and transport the crew to the palace. Once on the palace Nancy Cartwheel was separated from the group and taken to the bazaar where her office would be. The crew was escorted by the Star Guard to the throne room. The crew learned that there were crews from 50 to 75 other ships at this meeting as well. A big portly man came out and sat on the throne and proceeded to tell the group of crews of his plan to bring back the Sindalion empire. He felt that the Imperium was to tied up in there own affairs to worry about the flea bag Aslan who had wiped out his planet long ago. Rumors of the clans looking to expand the Heirate territory into the reach. King Orleb was offering letter of Marque to each crew to start privateering goods and supplies from both the Aslan and the imperium and sell them back to the systems of the reach in the name of the king to gain their trust. With hope of gaining there allegiance. To build up the navy and protect these systems from the flea bag threat. To force the Imperium and the Aslan to recognize The Sindal empire once again. A legit Kingdom that will protect the unprotected systems of the Trojan Reach. Afterward a big banquet was put on for all crews that showed up. During the Banquet Grand Admrial Wrax of the Drinaxion navy approach the crew asking them to dine with the King. accepting this invitation Uz-khoun and Dr. Cannon found that their very loyal life long friend Rao was a princess for the kingdom of Drinax. While eating dinner the king  as he was eating a rack of ribs told the crew of a old flag ship of the navy that was found by Princess Rao on a diplomatic mission with a familiar gentlemen. the king was looking for a crew to lead all the crews. He said that if they were interested in this to meet at the balcony on the spinward  side of the palace at 22:00 hours. The crew arrived at the balcony where they saw Princess Rao in fatigues and a weapon and standing next to a gentlemen who was also in fatigues and a weapon. Grand Admiral Wrax was also there with a squad of star guard marines and an older gentlemen who was not at the party. This gentlemen turned out to be a diplomat of the Imperium looking for the king. He was asking questions if they were part of the crews of ships that were docked on the Trailing side of the palace. The crew responded with that they were to trade at the bazaar and had not seen the king.  After the diplomat left them the King voice came from the very fit man standing next to Princess Rao. Well I hope that proves I can trust you with the affairs of the state.  Giving each crew member a grave belt and breather they bound to the docks on the spinward side where they learned that the docks has a protective bubble around them hiding what little navy he had. Taking them to a hanger where the pride of the old Drinax navy a Harrier class commerce raider. King Oleb was giving them 48 hours to look over the ship and decide if they would be the leader with this ship in the attempt to bring back the Drinax empire.

Rewards Granted

  • ISS Dragon Fly
  • Captain Share:1,700,735 Credits (5 shares)
  • Crew Share: 680,294 Credits  (3 shares)
  • This was credits paid for first class passage from Flammarion to Drinax and passengers from Torpol to Drinax as well. 

Missions/Quests Completed

Arrived at the Floating Palace.

Character(s) interacted with

  • King Oleb XVI 
  • Princess Rao 
  • Prince Harrick
  • Grand Admiral Wrax
  • Rachando  (Runs the Bazaar)
  • Thao Poloc ( Imperium Diplomat)
  • Nancy Cartwheel 
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Soriluss Morthikolor
Uz Khoun
Jean Paul Pierre
Domic Asc
Report Date
18 Nov 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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