Session 16 Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 16 Report

General Summary

Arriving at the Low Port of Marduk the crew of the crew of the Shenanigan's were greeted by Nancy Cartwheel who had a ton of questions on what had happened in the past week. She was also asking questions of the last 24 hours since there crash on one of the many islands Marduk has on it. Nancy also noticed that Elliot was not with the crew. The crew told Nancy what had happened to Elliot. Nancy told the crew that she would arrange a service and contact any next of kin. Nancy still had more questions to ask but could tell that the crew was not in the mood for twenty questions. Nancy updated the crew what had transpired in the past 24 hours with the High Port and the defense of the Shenanigan's. The two female passengers who had boarded with her when they left Flammarion. Nancy also asked if they new that the ship was haunted. This ghost is what probably saved the Shenanigan's destruction. The crew was given rooms at the Flamebird Inn and told the Shenanigan's was going to take at least a week to repair. The crew was to meet with the Mr. Alexeis Drabahn in the morning. Mr. Drabahn is the senior executive and in charge of the growth of Marduk. The crew went out on the town to blow of a little steam. Domic as he was eating dinner ran into a Vargr who was looking for the captain of the Shenanigan's word had gotten out the captain was looking for new crew. UZ-Khoun introduced himself as a reliable mechanic. Most of the crew went to their rooms around 22:00 hours with the exception of Jean Paul Pierre and Vladimir. They enjoyed the free drinks that were bought for them by the patrons of the two bars on island they were on parting all night and showing up for the appointed time for breakfast the crew and Nancy were meeting to go the meeting. Grabbing and incredible stack of waffles and coffee headed to the meeting early while the rest of the crew enjoyed there breakfast. Uz-Khoun introduced him self to the captain who asked a couple of questions then told him the XO wanted to be in the interview process of hiring new crew. He was invited to tag along with the crew to the meeting with GeDeCo. Meanwhile Jean Paul and Vladimir showed up at the office of GeDeCo and started harassing the middle aged gentlemen opening the office. They continued make demands about getting a cup of coffee and other insults including stuffing a waffle in the mouth of the gentlemen. The gentlemen went back to the back room to call security who immediately showed up to take the intoxicated to the tank. Jean Paul and Vlad had other plans as the big pain glass window was smashed to a million pieces by Jean Paul shotguns on his fist.

Character(s) interacted with

Alexeis Drabahn. (GeDeCo) Nancy Cartwheel. (GeDeCo) Uz-Khoun (Vagar) ( Possible new crew member)
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Soriluss Morthikolor
Uz Khoun
Jean Paul Pierre
Domic Asc
Report Date
22 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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