InGen Organization in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil


InGen Entertainment, food, Information, & Medicine market sector InGen has master gene editing and cloning technology. Their patents have revolutionized medical treatments making it possible to completely prevent organ transplants from failing due to immune system rejection. However, the company has pivoted away from medical applications towards entertainment applications. When the news broke that InGen had resurrected a handful of extinct prehistoric creatures, there was such a clamoring from the public that InGen executives saw they had struck gold. InGen operates menageries in sectors throughout the known universe full of exotic animals and reincarnated oddities. There are rumors of genetic editing and hybrid species experiments. There are even claims of psionic experimentation. Supposedly these are being developed for military applications. Recently, Ingen has begun purchasing genetic reproduction rights of people. Clones are not recognized as people and make for adequate laborers, though they are limited in the roles they can fore fill. Celebrities can sell their likeness for considerable sums, so that their likeness can be used in the parks long after their death. The illusion rarely persists beyond the initial visual due to the cognitive limitations of clones. The current CEO of InGen is John Hammond. He is widely regarded as a brilliant marketer, showman, and charismatic individual. However, there are critics of his corporate mantra to spare no expense to ensure quality.   InGen Sells:
  • Cloned limbs (Cr10k per Characteristic point lost).
InGen Buys:
  • Ingen pays good money for rare and exotic animals. Ingen will also buy the rights to your genetics [One time only: For SOC < 10 – Cr((SOC / 2 )² * 100), For SOC ≥ 10 – Cr((SOC)² * 100)].
Services Provided:
  • Food and lodging at their resorts, spas, and menageries. InGen also runs medical universities.
Work Provided:
  • Contracts for poachers and hunters to discretely wrangle or kill escaped, stolen, or unruly attractions.
Founding Date
100 3I
Corporation, Entertainment
Alternative Names
Jurassic Park


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